Church Growth or Church Health
It was in the early 1970's when I first heard the "term" CHURCH GROWTH. Honestly, at that time I didn't know a movement even existed. But what I did know is this; everything I read about church growth makes sense (and today, in large measure, still does) because Jesus' words were about "an ongoing construction process" that for whatever reason He invited, insisted, and even expected us to be involved. For years now there has been an evergrowing emphasis on "Church Growth." We have read books, heard tapes, been to conferences, and tried our best to catch the wave. While without any apology I have a biblical conviction that every local church should be alive and growing (both spiritually and numerically) perhaps we should re-examine our goals, aim, and yes, purpose. During the "State of the Church" address this year, I challenged us to focus on Church HEALTH as opposed to Church Growth, because a "HEALTHY" church will be a GRO...