Where did the real Newscasters Go?
Blogging is not one of my prioirities of life. Yet, as I see it, a blog allows for self expression. There is a reason why I have deliberately chosen to not blog for almost a month, that reason is, "I have been watching and listening." Personally, I prefer for my blog to focus on spiritual, ethical, and even moral matters. After watching the events on the national political scene, there are many things which are good and bad, great and sad, as well as other things which demand our attention. It has been interesting to watch the development in National Political arena. Finally, the veil has been pulled back and all of America has become a witness to the "Liberal Bias" of the National Media. To watch and listen to the ABC ("A Barack Channel"), NBC ("Noone but Barack Channel"), MSNBC ("McCain Stinks, Negate Barack's Critics"), or others leaves one to clearly understand one simple truth; "the national press is no longer a reporte...