Trust is a much used word in our English language. In the “Encarta Dictionary” it is defined as “confidence in and reliance on good qualities, especially fairness, truth, honor, or ability”. Having confidence in something or someone is a vital quality for a relationship to exist. When trust is gone, basically the relationship is gone. Daily, we speak of trusting Jesus. While scripturally it remains true that when we place our trust in Jesus we are sealed with the Spirit of God, it is equally true that the Spirit of God will infuse our heart and souls making our trust level of Jesus grow and expand. It is what the Bible calls “Spiritual Maturity”. On a personal level, without trust nothing of any consequence gets accomplished, every word gets challenged, and good ideas get derailed. The trust level between family, friends, churches, pastors, and the like constitutes the basis by which life is lived and goals are accomplished. Sadly, it can happen that an individual can be strippe...