
Showing posts from August, 2015

ON Social Media - BE CAREFUL

The rave of the day is "Social Media".  Social Media is 'US" telling people about what we're doing, where we are, the important days in our lives, our grandchildren (I like that), and even "What we're eating."  Some of the funniest posts, at least to me, are ones where someone actually pulls out a device and takes a picture of what they are about to eat.  This borders on either cruel or bragging!! :) Now don't mistake this post or my attitude as being 'agin' all of this because I'm not.  Honestly, Social Media has reconnected me with friends who I have not seen in 25+ years and I love that.  Today, those friends who would have been alive only in memory are today only a keystroke away. Having said all of that, there are some dangers we need to consider and some cautions we need to take as we share our lives on Social Media. Consider this, in the past few months I have heard more than one person say, " How can they post somet...

The Anatomy of a Sick Church - Thom Rainer

Thom Rainer, CEO of LifeWay, has built a career on helping God's church to become all that God wants it to be, I read his blog fairly regularly.  He has studied the church, taught in Seminary, conducted research on the church, and served (probably still does on a limited basis) as a Church Consultant for many church who need a course re-direction.   I find many of his blogs have the quality of taking what we "Know to be true" & putting it in words for us to assimilate.  This blog is very short & simple - but right on point...While you may not enjoy this reading, maybe it will assist your thinking.  Grace.. "THE ANATOMY OF A SICK CHURCH"