National Day of Prayer
Yesterday was the 'National Day of Prayer'. Pauline Goff, the local director for this effort, graciously asked me to speak at this noon-day event. It was an honor and was the first time in my life that I had been asked to do speak at such an event. As I prayed about the message, I became struck about the nature and depth of the struggles in America. It is sad but extremely true that we are in a battle for faith as the culture in the USA (like so many before) have now seemingly decided that 'we know better than God'. But with the national mood like it is, we also have a 'civil' battle for these United States of America. Hopefully, I will follow up this blog with one about the ongoing Presidential 'free-for-all' which we are enduring. Sadly, unless something drastic happens in the next 6 months, casting a vote for a person of faith will not be possible. But I'll save this discussion for an ensuing post. Suffice to say, that the Nation...