
Showing posts from November, 2016

For My Part, “I’m Glad It’s Over”

Reflecting on the last 18 hours causes me to reflect on the last 18 months and my one feeling is this; “I’m glad it’s over.”  Admittedly, many of the candidates I voted for – won their ‘race.’  That said, it will be refreshing to not have the media (print, video, & technology) pitting one candidate over another by telling us how terrible one is and avoiding simply reporting the truth.  Perhaps the most annoying characteristics of this process has been the revelation of the ‘blatant bias’ of the mainline media.  One of my lifelong, valuable, and dear friends and I had a private conversation about the fact that every story seemed to offer ‘half-truths’ and not attempt to give the facts but rather offered  ‘slanted stories.’  Then, to ‘fact check’ means we must vet the ‘fact checker’. (GRIN) I’m glad it’s over. Today, the decision has been made, a new president has been announced, a concession speech has been given, the election is behind us, and I’m glad...

“Supreme” is the word for Election Day

The question for Tuesday may not be “Can I vote for Donald Trump?”  It may be “Can I endure four years of Hillary Clinton?”  This may be especially true if you claim “Christianity” as your belief system.  However, I’ll save that argument for a little later as ‘enduring’ four years of Mrs. Clinton may well be a ‘double-down’ on the last eight years of the immorality, illegality, and unethical work of our current President.  Who would have ever thought that a “sitting president” would issue a ‘decree’ or ‘edict’ about anything let alone bathrooms.  Tomorrow is the day for the “Supreme Choice” which sets the direction for the “Supreme Court” so I pray we make a “Supreme Decision” which allows our country to become “Supreme” for the future.  I pray that we make a decision that at least gives us the possibility of returning to being government by the verbiage of the constitution and being ruled by document. Of all the things I heard I personally like use retur...