Bemoaning The Wrong Things

A few years ago many were amused or irritated by teenager Ethan Couch's legal defense of 'affluenza' in a deadly drunken car crash. They were certainly not amused by the damage and death he cause, but by the seemingly preposterous defense he offered. Affluenza, while laughed at by many, seems to be a modern day affliction that has, arguably, grown into an epidemic. According the online dictionary known as Merriam-Webster (well that is familiar), one of the definitions for affluence is the " extreme materialism and consumerism associated with the pursuit of wealth and success and resulting in a life of chronic dissatisfaction, debt, overwork, stress, and impaired relationships ." All of this brings me to my definition (according to "Watts" dictionary that I've written in my heart), " Being so accustomed to getting one's own way that one feels they deserve all the best things in life to the exclusion of the interest of others ." T...