
Showing posts from December, 2018


I subscribe to the blog of several people (I.E. Thom Rainer, Paul Powell, Chuck Lawless, Josh Hunt) the purpose of reminding me of the important things, instruction about things I’ve missed over a lifetime of ministry, and reflections of life.  Today I received the following from Josh Hunt.  Admittedly, Josh’s calling is to lead the way into Sunday School & Discipleship by using various methods.  Truly, I believe this is God’s ministry for Him.  He can take a written work of someone else and make it a truly teaching tool which leads the participants toward becoming a Disciple of our Lord Christ.  What you will read below is a combinations of Josh and Francis Chan.  I still remember the first time I heard Francis speak.  He was giving his famous “ Rope Illustration ” and it was so impactful that I used the video in a message at the church I was serving.  I confess my wrong attitude about the book he released entitled “Erasing Hell” because I ...