
Showing posts from May, 2020

What I Pray The Church Doesn’t Lose After the Lock-Down of 2020

Since before the founding of this nation, Churches have held a place of prominence, respect, and more.  Followers of Christ have had an easy way to practice faith, to establish a church, and to worship.  After all, it is a part of our nation's founding documents.  Sometimes, ease, comfort, and convenience breed an attitude of entitlement and complacency while discomfort, troubling interruptions, and the breaking of tradition bring the basic needs to the forefront.  Having watched the struggle of Pastors and churches trying to find their way during this pandemic, I keep being overwhelmed by a sense of excitement.  As an outsider who is a very interested observer, the response has been extraordinary.  By external forces, we have been forced to change lifelong traditions for the sake of the gospel.  We have learned to 'color outside of the lines' and 'operate outside of the box'.  Here are just a few things that I pray our churches do not lose after ...