Our Great Need

IN his devotional book, "The Spirit of God within you", Dr. Johnny Hunt says, "One of the reasons I love the Psalms is that I often need God to bail me out of something." I can identify with that - that'd be with Dr. Johnny & King David. David was always getting into stuff and asking the Lord to take care of his problem. In these two verses, I see 3 requests that should be the cry of the heart: 1) Teach me - This is a great prayer to pray, but it is a greater attitude to have. If I am to be taught, then I must be teachable. One of my good friends (Pud) has been growing spiritually by leaps and bounds since he retired from his life-long work. He expressed his attitude to me like this, "I have missed so much in my life spiritually so I am wanting to do all I can do for as long can do for my Lord." He also said, "People think we know more than we know." We shouldn't miss this truth: There is nothing natural about becoming & l...