A Tale of Two Men
"It was the best of times, It was the worst of times," and with those two phrases Charles Dickens begins his classic and well-read work "A Tale of Two Cities." In this lengthy read one discovers love, hate, sacrifice, tragedy, and much more. In an oversimplified analysis the warning goes to London, England to be wary of the American Revolution because it could treat them like the French Revolution did Paris, France. There is much to be learned anytime someone takes the time to compare 2 types of anything (I.E. cities, countries, cultures, empires, and even people). The investigator will learn what "to do" and, more importantly, what "not to do." The Apostle Paul identifies the two most influential people to ever walk the face of the earth. In 1 Corinthians 15 he calls them the "First Adam" and the "Last Adam". The question is this; what did these men leave on earth as their legacy. Still tracking Paul's writings, i...