
Showing posts from September, 2009

God is Still Working

Last Thursday (September 17 – Constitution Day) will live on as a day of surprises. The first surprise (covered in my previous blog) was that a High School Principal (Frank Lay) and Athletic Director (Robert Freeman) was in front of a judge on "Criminal Charges" of Contempt of Court for saying a "Blessing over food." Who would have thought that our system of juris prudence would actually hear such a ridiculous case as this in a country that boast of "religious freedom" and "tolerance." (to use a "well-used" word).. The next surprise is nothing shy of a divine act of God. After a one day trial, these two men were found NOT GUILTY!!! What a story!! Although Religious Freedom for Christians under persecution in America, this was a time when God, in His grace, reached down and took control of circumstances which seemed out of control. God's people rose up to the Challenge and He responded in support. To Him be the Glory!!

Should we be worried?

Thursday, September 17, 2009, is a day that will live in infamy. On this day, the landscape for religious freedom in this nation will be changed. Frank Lay (High School Principal) and Robert Freeman (High School Employee) will stand before a judge, facing criminal charges for "saying a blessing over the food at the dedication of the school's new field house." This scenario would be funny, if it were not so sad. With the real problems facing this culture and country, the ACLU has, once again, chosen to flex its legal muscle and eradicate Christianity from all public life. From unofficial reports the ACLU is setting up for a long, expensive battle which many observers believe will ultimately be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. As we all know, the charter of the ACLU speaks of protecting the "Bill of Rights" and yet, those 'rights' include the government NOT MAKING ANY LAW WHICH PROHIBITS THE FREE EXERCISE OF RELGION." They seem to selectively ch...