Wake Up, Believing America
The sad days in America continue to come. This time the place is in Cranston, Rhode Island. The topic: a prayer written by a student back in 1963 which has been hanging on the wall of the school since then. The objection: a 16 year girl who makes two claims. First, she’s an atheist and next, she’s offended by a prayer. The judge: Ronald R. Lagueux who, not surprisingly, ruled that the prayer must be taken down. The “REAL” players: The ACLU, who’s charter reads (paraphrase) “To protect the Bill of Rights” and probably should be amended to read, “To rid this country of any hint of the God of our Forefathers.” Once again, an unelected (that means appointed) judge chooses to legislate from the bench and do it behind the veiled words of ‘protecting the constitution.’ Yet, it takes no legal scholar to recognize that the motivation is not to protect the constitution but to amend it, without proper procedure, to negate some of the very principles upon which our founding fathers ‘framed’ thi...