Where's The Pig
A close friend of mine has expressed my sentiments exactly; "I'm Southern Baptist born and bred, one day when I die I'll be Southern Baptist dead. When you cut me, I bleed the Cooperative Program." This qualifier is placed at the beginning of this piece because it is important to me for any reader to know that I have been, am, and continue to be committed to the SBC. While we are not truly a 'denomination', we are a collection of independent Baptist Church voluntarily bonded to each other for the purpose of sharing the gospel of Christ with all nations. Arguably, the Cooperative Program has proven to be the greatest mission sending 'mechanism' ever created by mankind. We have and can support more personnel on the mission field than any other body, group, or denomination. My commitment to the Southern Baptist Convention runs deep as for over 35 years I have served in active, full-time vocational ministry. Over the years we have had our share of...