A Day In Imfamy
June 26, 2015, is a day that will live in infamy. The USA has now come under attack from inside its legal system, the very system which the framers of our Constitution setup to protect her citizens. Year ago I heard it said that this nation would fall from the inside, without a shot ever being fired, and it now appears those "may be" prophetic words. The Highest Court in the Land, presided over by 9 'NON-ELECTED' lawyers, accountable seemingly to no one, given specific powers in Article III of the Constitution to interpret laws that the " Congress " has passed, in one decision, has broken so many judicial rules, traditions, and principles laid forth in the founding papers and ensuing decisions, that a person could write for weeks (and many will) about their flawed action. At the outset, as deeply as I believe this decision to be morally wrong, I also have a deep belief that the manner in which this decision occurred flies in the face of how the US lega...