
Showing posts from June, 2015

A Day In Imfamy

June 26, 2015, is a day that will live in infamy.  The USA has now come under attack from inside its legal system, the very system which the framers of our Constitution setup to protect her citizens.  Year ago I heard it said that this nation would fall from the inside, without a shot ever being fired, and it now appears those "may be" prophetic words.  The Highest Court in the Land, presided over by 9 'NON-ELECTED' lawyers, accountable seemingly to no one, given specific powers in Article III of the Constitution to interpret laws that the " Congress " has passed, in one decision, has broken so many judicial rules, traditions, and principles laid forth in the founding papers and ensuing decisions, that a person could write for weeks (and many will) about their flawed action. At the outset, as deeply as I believe this decision to be morally wrong, I also have a deep belief that the manner in which this decision occurred flies in the face of how the US lega...


After my post yesterday entitled "Sad Days Among the SBC", someone pointed out that "State Conventions at their annual meetings were voting to decrease the percentage of CP money which remains in the state" and then they asked, "WHY?"  This is my response to that question and statement.  Let me be clear.  I do not perceive this person to have responded in a mean-spirited way and I do not respond with animus in my heart.  Rather, it is with a deep love for Southern Baptists, with all of her facets, that I respond (and I do not question the love for Southern Baptist of the one I am responding to).  However, as Forest Gump might say, "That's all I have to say about that" (for now).  So I will move forward as there is much Kingdom work to be done.  Grace to you. The honest reasons that I blog so little are many. First, I really don’t have the time to sit in front of a computer and type all day. Second, I don’t see the ‘positive’ impact fro...

Sad Days Among the SBC

After reading a 'national blog' (whatever that is), this was and is my response.  For me, these are sad days among Southern Baptists.  At a time when we need to expand our 'cooperative spirit', it seems the divisive nature of mankind is running rampant among us.  Grace. "I continue to read, with interest, the ongoing disrespect and disparaging which goes towards the State Conventions.  For me (no I am not a YOUNGER GEN person) it is indeed sad.  It is sad that we feel like we have to 'tear down' that part of the SBC structure which has built us up.   My experience only extends to the last 40 years, but in this time I have watched as the staff of state conventions have given unselfishly of their time and giftedness to extend and expand the Cooperative Program and thus, the Kingdom of God.  They have spent a great deal of time away from their families to assist the local church.  They have worked tirelessly to educate and inspire member churche...


This is a little eerie.  Yesterday I posted the writings of another pastor's blog entitled "10 Ways to Kill a Church" and the same day James Schupp's book, "Who Killed My Church" arrives in the mail.  James and I now have a friendship which has begun and continues 'online'.  He lives in Texas and after years of Pastoring, is now planting a church.  I say that to express that, over the years, he has accumulated some knowledge about the state of and reason for a 'dying church.'  His book, "Who Killed My Church", is an easy read that is packed full of truths and EVERY FOLLOWER OF CHRIST probably needs to read it.  I had the privilege of reading the manuscript several months again as it was being prepared for publication.  Here is the link . It is worth both the money and the time.

10 Ways to Kill a Church

Wishing I had more time to read and stay up with the modern day 'politics & problems' of our nation, but realizing that I have to choose and pick what I study, the Church of the Lord consumes more & more of my time and reading.  From the Bible to other books and then to 'blogs.'  I try to be 'choosey' and glean the best.  Sometimes I accomplish this and sometimes not.  I just read this blog by a brother who just happens to be an African-American Pastor.  His grasp of the church is good so I offer you HIS WORDS (which I believe to be RIGHT ON POINT).. Maybe someday I'll have the opportunity to sit and talk with him.