
Showing posts from September, 2016

“Never Trump” = “EVER Clinton”

This Presidential election cycle has been pretty sad.  I find myself frequently saying, “300+ million people and these are the best we have?”  That said, I do not remember a time when so many ‘so-called’ leaders have made it their personal job to ‘tell everyone’ who they ‘Shouldn’t’ vote for.  It’s uncanny. One of the other ‘modern-day’ traditions is to actually ask people ‘how’ they will vote or ‘who’ will they vote for.  Yes, I’m old enough to remember when a person’s vote was their own business and it was considered rude to ask someone the how or who.  So now we basically have these two – the donkey and the elephant – to choose from.  (I know Gary is trying to make a Libertarian run, but he faces two major problems; 1) The third party is in its infant stages and probably needs at least 4 more years of hard work to compete, and 2) his last stumble on a national stage probably ended any possibility of getting enough traction to garner the needed suppo...