Friday, February 09, 2024

What of the Night?

The Urgency of Revival and the Call to Shine

For the past month, our focus has been on the need for revival. But some may wonder, why all the emphasis on revival? What's the big deal? Well, the truth is, as believers, we are on a journey. From the moment we accepted Christ until the day we step foot on Heaven's shore, we are constantly in need of renewal, restoration, and refreshment.

In a sermon by Vance Havner, a 20th-century revivalist, he shared a message that resonated with me. It was based on Ezekiel 21:11-12, which speaks about the Watchman and the night. This message has great relevance for us today, as we find ourselves living in a time of darkness.

The Watchman

In the Bible, the concept of the Watchman is mentioned over 20 times. Watchmen were assigned to stand guard and protect the community from enemies. They were like sentinels or guards, alerting the people to danger. Today, we too are called to be Watchmen, guarding against the darkness that surrounds us.

But being a Watchman is not limited to preachers or leaders. Each one of us has a divine responsibility to sound the alarm and warn others of the impending danger. Just as a Watchman protects the city, we are called to protect our community, our families, and ourselves from the darkness that seeks to overcome us.

The Night

We are living in a time of darkness, as prophesied in 2 Timothy 3. Paul describes this time as perilous, with people becoming lovers of themselves and lovers of money. We see pride, boastfulness, and a disregard for what is good. People are ungrateful, unholy, and unloving. They have lost sight of the importance of family and respect for parents. Slander, lack of self-control, and a love for pleasure have become the norm.

But amidst this darkness, we must remember that we are called to be the light of the world. Jesus said, "You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before others" (Matthew 5:14-16). Our light should not be hidden, but rather, it should shine brightly, illuminating the darkness around us.

The Time

So, what time is it? It is high time for us to acknowledge the darkness and the urgency of the situation. Darkness will never go away on its own. We must actively choose to turn on the light. As Romans 13:12 says, "The night is far gone; the day is at hand." The time for action is now.

We cannot deny the reality of the darkness that surrounds us. We must admit it and accept that we are called to be the light. It is time to let our light shine, to be the Watchmen who sound the alarm and protect others from the darkness. We must embrace the responsibility that God has given us and fulfill our purpose.

Accepting the Call

Revival starts with each one of us. We cannot rely on others to do the work. We must acknowledge that the call to shine is for us, for every believer. We have the power to make a difference in our community, in our nation, and in the world.

But in order to accept this call, we must first admit that we are in the dark. We must acknowledge the darkness that exists within ourselves and in the world around us. Only then can we truly understand the need for revival and the urgency of shining our light.

Once we have admitted the darkness, we must actively choose to turn on the light. We must let our light shine brightly, unashamedly, and without reservation. We must be the Watchmen who sound the alarm, warning others of the danger and leading them to the light.

Finally, it is time for us to accept that it is our responsibility to shine. We cannot rely on others to fulfill this calling. We must each take up our cross and follow Jesus, allowing His light to shine through us. We are called to be the light of the world, to be the ones who bring hope, love, and truth in the midst of darkness.

So, what will you choose? Will you embrace the call to shine, to be a Watchman in this dark world? Will you admit the darkness, acknowledge the time, and accept the responsibility? The choice is yours.

Let us pray together, asking God to empower us to be the light in this dark world:

"Heavenly Father, we come before you with hearts focused on You. We ask that You remove any distractions and help us to hear Your voice clearly. We recognize the darkness that surrounds us, and we admit that we cannot overcome it on our own. We need Your light to shine through us. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit and empower us to be the Watchmen who sound the alarm and lead others to Your truth. May our lives be a reflection of Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, amen."

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Are You Ready for God?


In this blog post, we will explore the concept of being ready for God. We will dive deep into the transcript of a powerful message and examine the importance of looking upward, inward, and outward in our spiritual journey. Join us as we discover how to prepare ourselves for a personal and intimate connection with God.

Looking Upward

The message begins with the speaker encouraging the audience to look upward. They talk about how we often look up to people who inspire, correct, and teach us. However, the speaker emphasizes that there is one whom we should all look up to - God. They describe God as being high and lifted up, someone who deserves our allegiance and devotion. When we turn our focus to God and empty our lives of worldly things, we have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of His power, majesty, and glory.

Looking Inward

Once we have looked upward and encountered God, it naturally leads us to look inward. The speaker reminds us that when we look at ourselves in the light of God's presence, we may see areas of deficiency, unrighteousness, and sin. This realization should prompt us to repent and seek God's cleansing. It is through this process of self-examination that we can experience true restoration and the joy of our salvation. By comparing ourselves to God's standard, rather than others, we can align our lives with His will and purpose.

Looking Outward

The final step in preparing ourselves for God is to look outward. Once we have encountered God and experienced His cleansing, we are ready to go and fulfill His mission for us. The speaker highlights that there are people out there who need the same touch from God that we have received. It is our responsibility to share the love and grace of God with others, to be a light in the darkness, and to bring hope to those who are yet to know Him. By looking outward, we can make a difference in our communities and bring about a revival that extends beyond the walls of the church.


Are you ready for God? This is the question posed by the speaker in this powerful message. They remind us that being ready for God requires us to look upward, inward, and outward. When we turn our focus to God, examine ourselves in His presence, and share His love with others, we open ourselves up to a personal and intimate connection with Him. Let us prepare ourselves for God's work in our lives and be willing vessels for His revival.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Revival: Seeking God's Face for Renewal

The Need for Revival

Have you ever had a week where everything seemed to be backwards? A week where no matter what you did, it felt like things were just not going the right way? Pastor Jerry opens his message with this relatable experience, setting the stage for a deeper exploration of the need for revival in our lives and in our land.

The Three Levels of Hearing

Pastor Jerry highlights the importance of listening with understanding, rather than just superficially or for mere facts. He emphasizes that when our emotions are touched, we truly engage our mind and connect with the message being conveyed. This level of deep understanding and connection is what we should strive for when it comes to hearing and internalizing the Word of God.

Revival: Breathing Life into the Dead

Revival is defined as an encounter with God, a renewal of spiritual life in individuals or among a group of people. It is a restoration, a falling in love with Jesus all over again. Just as life can be breathed into something that is dead or dormant, revival brings new life and vitality to our spiritual walk.

When is Revival Needed?

Revival is needed when our hearts grow lukewarm, when we lose sight of our purpose and abandon our beliefs. Corrupted standards, compromised beliefs, and a complacent attitude can all pull us away from God and hinder our spiritual growth. It is in these moments that revival becomes necessary to bring us back to a place of intimacy with God.

How Does Revival Begin?

Revival begins with conviction and repentance. Pastor Jerry highlights the importance of humility, prayer, seeking God's face, and turning away from wicked ways. It is through these actions and a genuine desire for revival that we can open ourselves up to the transformative power of God.

The Responsibility of God's People

Revival is not something that happens in the White House or in legislative bodies. Revival begins in God's house, with His people. It is the responsibility of believers to humble themselves, seek God's face, and turn away from wickedness. Revival starts with individuals who are willing to take ownership of their own spiritual journey and seek God's presence.

The Results of Revival

The ultimate result of revival is the healing of our land. Revival brings about forgiveness of sins and a renewed spiritual life. It is through this transformation that we can see a positive impact on our nation, as God's people live out their faith and become agents of change in the world.

Do You Really Want Revival?

Pastor Jerry poses this question multiple times throughout his message, emphasizing the importance of truly desiring revival. Revival is not something that God will impose on us if we are not willing or open to it. It requires a genuine desire to seek God's face, repent of our sins, and invite His transformative power into our lives.

Revival is not a one-time event or a series of meetings. It is a continuous journey of renewal and spiritual growth. As individuals and as a church, let us take up the responsibility of seeking God's face, turning away from wickedness, and inviting His presence into our lives. May we be agents of change and revival in our communities and in our land.

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