National Christian Leader after National Christian Leader in article after article, shame those who profess faith in Christ for voting for and supporting former President Donald Trump. From videos to articles to Tweets (what are they now called "Xs"?) to Facebook posts, if you vote for the former president, you are a member of a hideous cult with a malformed brain, a questionable character who doesn't love God or neighbor, and who has been reprogrammed to believe - well - whatever. The vitriol continues to grow as we get closer to the election. (It used to be 'election day' but that term seems to be a thing of the past. Now, it's more like 'election season.')

Today, I read that "Trump is the leader of a giant cult" and that "Harris is encouraging voters to choose joy and a more normal politics". Both of these would be laughable if they weren't so sad and serious. There are so many shortcuts through the truth that it boggles one's imagination. Let's articulate a few. 

First, for all the vitriol and conjecture, we don't have to guess what we get with the Former President because he has already held the job for four years. I keep hearing about the 'mess President Biden inherited' (ala the Democrats) and my question is this; "What mess are you talking about?" Would it be the almost closed borders? Would it be the less than 2% inflation rates? Would it be that 'increase' in wages and felt increase in spending power that the average middle-class worker felt? Would it be the number of babies who were saved because of a 'pro life friendly' president? Would it be the fact that President Trump was friendlier to people of faith than any president in almost a quarter of a century? Would it be --- well, you get the idea?

Next, Mrs. Harris has also been 2nd in Command for 4 years. Topping the list of her time in office is her ability to not recognize a deteriorating person. For all who would argue about the current president's fitness for continued serving as president, I would argue for you to go and review the June debate. His mental acuity was on public display and the really sad part, is that seeing this, almost makes me believe that America (and certainly his close staff) is guilty of 'elder abuse.' The point this calls into question is, the judgment of Mrs. Harris. She has defended the indefensible and was still defending the President's mental capacity when the entire country saw and responded. It only took normal people 90 minutes of unfiltered access to recognize what too many of us have seen in our aging parents. She missed it. What will she miss on a national and international scale.  

Furthermore, can you imagine Mrs. Harris sitting across the table from Putin, Xi, or Kim Jong Un? What will her strategy be? Here is where I get truly frightened. Will the 'joy and smiles' be effective among these strong leaders (or tyrants) who pronounce death to anyone they simply don't like, attacks countries who show any sign of weakness, and seek to takeover any country they believe can be had. What exactly will her strategy be? Nothing in her background tells me that she will be the broad shoulders that are needed to protect the homeland.  What exactly does she bring to the table?

Admittedly, the end of the Trump presidency is a bad-mark that will never be erased. I will say that, in many ways, he is his own worst enemy. But for the sake of fairness and for the sake of our country, let's consider these truths:

  • The economy went upside down as a direct result of the world wide pandemic. 
  • The accepted vote went the way it did because of the main-stream media and social media platforms did a disservice to all Americans by making decisions for us instead of allowing us to see information and make our own decisions.
  • January 6 happened because of the frustration of the mysteries surrounding the election. For those who believe 'no harm, no foul', let me just say that there are enough unanswered questions to make me suspicious. And the available evidence suggests that there was a type of a 'shadow movement' who set January 6 in motion and not President Trump. 

Sadly, the mystery surrounding of the election will never be resolved because the people who could have vetted it, refused to. Calling out the people and entities who could have and should have litigated these legal issues 'on the record,' if for no other reason, than to HAVE a record for history is pointless. Like it or not, 'Election 2020'will remain a blackmark in history and not because of Donald Trump but because of the lack of investigation, interrogation, and inquiry, of the event. 

For me, the list goes on and on and on. However, I would like to clearly say that this year's election is not about a 'religion,' 'false god,' or 'worship of any person,' rather, it is a lack of choice. As Americans, most elections offer us little in the way of what we would like. We have pared our election system down to 2 parties, so the option of a real choice is limited at best. We may have a likable candidate who has nothing in their background to prepare them for leading the greatest nation in the world with potentially the strongest armed service known to man. We may have a gruff candidate who is very rough around the edges but proven to be one who governs in a way that protect and grows this land. For me, this is our choice. While I may not like the limited choices that I'm given, I will make the best call based on the options in front of me. One who kills babies, laughs their way through serious engagements, and seems to verbally change directions as often as the wind (so you never know which way it's blowing). Or one who sets a course, charts a course, follows that course and one who just may, given a second opportunity, put a little better counselors around him. Many of those first counselors have shown their true selves as they 'didn't get their way' so now is the time they are given the platform to burn down the house. 

For me, the decision is made. It's not because I'm mesmerized by one candidate, but rather, it's a lack of choices. In 50 years as a voter, I cannot remember ONE TIME when I voted for a PERFECT CANDIDATE. As the same time, it is my belief that to hand this country to one who was not up to the challenge of even being VP is a huge mistake. It's not about her being a woman because we have women who are well-prepared for this responsibility. It's certainly not about her race, this country has many people of many colors of skin who could and should be tapped for leadership. Having said all of this, I wonder why anyone would seek this POSITION any longer. So many people are so mean-spirited to whoever might allow their name to be mentioned that 'good people' refuse to consider this position. This seems to be something in our culture because it even permeates religious denominations. 

Handing the leadership of this, the greatest nation of all times, to someone so ill-prepared is a recipe for disaster and it makes little sense. We don't have a perfect candidate, never have and never will. 

My prayer is "Lord, please get us through this in such a way that my grands can enjoy the America that I love."


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