Last week was a great week. Bro. Troy, the chairman of deacons, and I spent three days together "on the road". The Alabama State convention planned a "tour" for Pastors and a "lay-leader". The concept was that we would visit 6 "healthy" churches, meet with their local staff, and glean some of the principles which were working in these churches. The "Opportunity To Take A Look" (OTTAL) tour carried us into the southeastern part of our state.

We saw church ministries which should not be growing (according to their population and location) but were "reaching people for Christ" almost daily and in contrast we observed ministries which "should be" reaching people in their immediate area and simply were not. This was an eye-opening and very revealing trip.

What did Bro. Troy and I have reaffirmed in our hearts? Here it is; For a "congregation" to be a "Church" (a healthy church)-- there must be not only be a ministry to which every member is committed, but it is required to be on the same "MISSION". As children of the Heavenly Father who have been both born and adopted into the family, there can be no excuse nor reason for losing sight of the "fields which are ripe".

Yes, it is true that we must Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, and Prayer; but to consistently leave the "evangelism" out of the process is deadly. Biologically, it's like trying to remain alive in this "human body" and not "breathe". We don't breathe, we don't live. We don't evanglize, their is no life.

The result of this trip is absolutely a refocus on the priority of the HBC family. We begin with much prayer. We move to preparation. Then, we plan. Finally, we place into action; action that will lead to reaching people with the gospel Christ and allow them the opportunity to receive this wonderful gift of salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen!!!


  1. Hi Bro. Jerry. My name is Johnny LaFoy. I am currently a member at Crossroads Baptist, but once was a member at HBC. I have heard a lot of great things about you and can't wait to meet you. I am also a good friend of Jason Ross. In reply to your blog, there is a video program called "The Way of the Master" that teaches an excellent presentation of the gospel. It is hosted by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. I'm sure you probably already know about it. It could be a really good tool for use along side with your evangelism teaching, maybe for some small group studies outside of services. Just a thought. I've heard lots of great things about you, all honor given to God of course. I can't wait to see what HBC will do with the fresh breath you've brought them.

    In Christ' hands,

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