
Showing posts from February, 2008


Many years Christian Singer Luke Garrett sang these words, "Some say life is just a series of decisions. We make choices, we live and learn." Others reminds us that our life is a sum total of the choices we make. Literally, we make dozens of decisions or choices every day and with each choice we make a direction, a path, and a course is charted. Additionally, each decision invokes its own consequence. The truth of this is found in the Biblical laws of sowing and reaping. You know those laws, there are three of them. First, you reap exactly what you sow. Next, you reap later than you sow. Finally, you reap more than you sow. The seed we sow in this life is directly impacted by our decision or choices. Sadly, we spend most of our time focusing on things which have little significant and little meaning. Yes, these things "SEEM" to be important at the time, but candidly those things which are seemingly "SO IMPORTANT" noone will even remember in 6 m...

Unity and Harmony

Since announcing that I am blogging every Monday and Thursday, it seems that world makes a valliant attempt to "fall apart" on these days. While I am not making the grade by being unquestionably consistent in my postings, at least I am becoming more frequent in my posts. I hope they offer some word which enlightens or encourages. Recently there was a meeting of "a New Baptist Covenant (NBC)" in GA which boasted some very "high profile" leaders. Among the more recognizable names were two former US Presidents, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. In President Carter's address he called for "unity around the gospel." This has proved very interesting for me because it seems that any true unity must have ONE GOSPEL at its center. With all due respect, it would seem that the message of the Bible is very much dissimilar from the gospel of President Carter. I am sorry to say this meeting of the NBC is made up of people who have already left the Southern Ba...

Really Disappointed with an Influential Leader

Admittedly, the politics of this presidential campaign added to what might be called a "lack of real options" is disheartening. From the top 4 candidates who are battling for the 2 nominations, it appears that those who have a passion to see this country restored to her former glory have been all but left out. Candidly at this point of the process, I have no clue who will get my vote. Lookinig down the list of candidates, each one of them seems (at least to me) to have serious flaws in their philosophy and direction. In other words, "their views do not fairly and accurately represent my views." While this may sound a little narcisistic, the truth is this; everytime we cast a vote we attempt to elect someone who represents our way of thinking. THIS IS, after all, the American way. Those in Washington are merely a "representative" of us in the "heartland." Let us keep this thought in mind this year. Now, for my disappointment. One of the people I h...

What this country really needs is................

One of the things that I have NEVER been is a political activist! In fact, you might think me "un-American" or something, but I don't do politics. When I think of politics and Christianity the joke which I enjoy with one of my friends who is a politician. (Sorry Mike) The joke goes like this; One day at lunch a man stood to speak to a civic group. He began, "I'm a Christian Politician." From the back of the room, he was interrupted by a gruff voice saying, "Make Up Your Mind!!" (yea, I'm grinning) Make no mistake. To be a believer in the politcal area is (in this day of time) a decision to put your life on the line. Yet, being a Public Servant is exactly that. Over the years we have watched as one politician after another has fallen prey to the lure of "special interests". Honestly, the most "special" of these "interests" are "self", "number one", "me". Sadly, in the past 5...