Of all the days that should be days of rejoicing, praising, and even worshipping, it should be Easter! Much more than bunnies, candy, eggs, etc, this day is about our Lord Jesus. It was this day that He made a way for our redemption and justification!

Redemption & Justification-- hmm - now there's two big words, whatever do they mean and better yet, are they just religious words or do they apply to "me?" Well yes, they both possess a tremendous application to us all.
Redemption, by definition, means several things. Here are a couple;
1) It means to "buy back." This meaning should remind us that God designed each one of us to have a close, intimate, and personal relationship with Him. We are His by creation. However, when sin came into the world through Adam in the Garden, we lost this relationship. You see, God is a good love, but He is also a God of purity and thus, cannot allow sin in His presence. Upon sinning, both Adam and Eve were barred from the Paradise which God had designed for them. Yet, right at that point God put into action a "buy back" plan. It was and is Jesus.
2) It means to "set free." Since the time of that original sin, all of mankind have been born captive to sin. This means our sin nature will indeed pull us down. It means that our fleshly desire cause us to consistently do things which are outside of God's perfect will. For the man who is outside of Christ, give him a choice and most of the time, he'll choose for himself, for instant gratification, and to sin. In Christ we are "set free" from this captivity. Jesus came to set the captives free.
Justification, by definition means;
to make us right. Think about this. Jesus was killed for our sins and HE was RAISED FROM the dead for our Justification. What a mighty God we serve.

In Jesus we have redemption through His blood because at the right time God sent Jesus to redeem us and the very reason Jesus came was redemption.

Death to life, captive to free, wrong to right, it is all bound up in this wonderful time of year, Easter Time! Let us not let this day pass without thanking God for His perfect gift of Jesus.


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