The Hueytown Community Revival Meeting

Most of us remember (in years past) of attending "Community Revival Meetings." In fact, we even had a name for those meetings. We called them "Crusades." The preachers who were invited were always well-known. Billy Graham, James Robison, and E. J. Daniels are but three from a long list of "Mass Evangelists." Many times these events were held in "Football Stadiums" and people came from miles around to attend this event. (Personally, I remember my church group driving over 3 hours to hear Billy Graham). The super part of these meetings (this picture which is still etched in my mind) is hundreds of people making decisions for the Lord.

Sadly, today those meeting are viewed as a "relic" of days past. Yet, in good ole Hueytown, Alabama, last week we saw (what I believe) to be the beginning of a renewal of this revival effort. Many of the congregations in and around this community came together for a meeting such as this. Admittedly, there were several differences from those in days past.

First, this meeting was NOT held at a "ballfield or some other neutral" location, but at Pleasant Ridge Baptist church. Cudos to Bro. Rick Patrick and the entire congregation of PRBC for being such outstanding hosts. Next, we didn't just have one GREAT preacher, but five. Next, we did see many people make decisions for Christ (AMEN!!)...Next, there was a great spirit exhibited by everyone in attendance, the music was good, and the fellowship was outstanding.

Finally (and possibly most excitedly) the local pastors will gather the week after Easter to evaluate and plan for the next one. In a day when many say "believers do little but fight", it is my prayer that this effort will grow into something very special that together we will work to build the Kingdom by changing people's lives for both time and eternity.



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