Who Am I?

The late Rusty Goodman penned the words to my mother's favorite gospel song. It is entitled "Who Am I?" The chorus to this song shows great introspection and self evaluation when it says:

Who am I that a King would bleed and die for?
Who am I that He would pray, "not my will, Thine Lord."
The answer I may never know, why He ever loved me so,
That to an old rugged cross He'd go, for "Who Am I?"

Candidly, it seems that this attitude is lost on most today. From the pulpit to the pew to the playgrounds in America, the prevailing attitude seems to be that we do God a "favor" by giving Him a few hours on Sunday morning. If we are a cut above, He can have a little more time on Sunday evening. If we are SUPER Christian, we'll participate on Wednesday services or Tuesday outreach. The bottom line is that by our actions, many times it appears that whatever we choose to give, He should gladly take and be thankful.

In His book "The Knowledge of the Holy", A. W. Tozer begins the first chapter with these words, "what comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing to us." What a statement!! Think about this for a moment at a new level; Whatever my concept is of God, whatever picture I draw, whatever image my mind conjured up when I think about God EXPOSES my concept of God.

Truthfully, we all tend to make God in OUR IMAGE as opposed to remembering that HE made us in HIS likeness. Consider today who He is, what He asks, what He expects, what He is worthy of, and then be renewed about His greatness, goodness, supremacy, and vastness; and you (like me) will become so overwhelmed that we will indeed respond differently to Him...and our question will be, "Who Am I?"


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