Taking Stock

At this time of year it is a good idea to ‘take stock’ of things.  Although I have not researched the origination of this phrase, my last job in High School gives me an educated guess about it.  For my Junior & Senior years of High school, I worked as a ‘Grocery bagger/Stock Boy’ at our locally owned grocery store.  (We never called it a “Supermarket.”)
One of my tasks was to look at the stock on the shelves, consider the time of month (and of the year), recall how long it had been since we had restocked the shelves, check our back warehouse, and then talk to the owner about re-ordering anything of which we were out.  Basically, it went like this; look around, look back, look inside, and look ahead.  Today almost 40 years later, this is still sound advice (and I’ll even add one more place to look.)
With the advent of 2011, now is the time to look around our lives and see where we are.  Where are we compared to where we thought we would be?  Honestly, what is right and what is wrong with my life? 
Next, take a look ‘back’.  This past year was a particularly difficult year for many.  Most of us experienced losses of almost unspeakable impact.  Some lost ‘long time jobs’, others lost investment, many lost their houses, some lost their health, while even other lost loved ones.  While there is an old adage which says, “What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger”, God says, “Count it all joy when you fall into various trials.”  Why?  “Because the trials we face help us to grow up.”  Remember that nothing ‘surprises’ God.
Now, take a look inside.  This is a question only God and you can answer.  What is it that ‘really’ motivates you?  Who is it that you count on?  How is your relationship to Jehovah God?  The Bible says, “It’s appointed to people once to die, and after this, judgment”.  Many say they are ready to go to heaven, few are ready to meet God.’
Next, take a look ahead.  Consider this; if you live the next 12 months like the last 12 months, where will you be?  Will your life be ‘counting’ for anything substantial? 
Finally, take a look upward.  If you have a Bible, I suggest you read Isaiah 6 and seek a clear vision of God.  When we get a vision of God in our mind, we indeed do take stock of life and make positive changes for the future.

(Checkout Pastor Jerry’s web site @ www.jerrywatts.net)


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