The Real Need In this Nation

Our culture and country is in need.  A degree in finance is not required to recognize that we are in a financial crisis, nor is a degree in Law Enforcement is required to know we have a crime problem, nor is a degree is ethics required to clearly understand that the USA has a pervasive problem with ethics.  Yet, all of these stated problems are not the ‘root cause’ of the disintegration of this country, culture, and community.  Finance, crime, and ethics, are but symptoms of the true problem.  If we Americans can ‘man-up’ and ‘face-up’ to the real, deep-seated problem of our culture, then there is hope for the culture that we have come to know and love.  On the other hand, if we are unable to ‘face the music’ and seek the genuine answer, then we may not survive as a country and culture.  What’s required is a spiritual awakening which changes the cultural landscape.  Let me offer a thought from history.  Recently, I read the following paragraph:
On 21 September 1857 Jeremiah Lanphier, a businessman, began a series of prayer meetings in New York. By the beginning of 1858 the congregation was crowded, often with a majority of businessmen. Newspapers reported that over 6,000 were attending various prayer meetings in New York, and 6,000 in Pittsburgh. Daily prayer meetings were held in Washington, D.C. at 5 different times to accommodate the crowds. Other cities followed the pattern. Soon, a common mid-day sign on business premises read, “We will re-open at the close of the prayer meeting”.  It has been told that the courts had to cease hearing cases because there were no ‘cases to hear.’ 
Jeremiah 29:13 reads, “You will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart.”  The prophet was writing the words as Jehovah God spoke them.  These words follow the promise which God gave only 2 verses earlier (in verse 11). That promise was and is; ‘I know the plans I have for you, plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.’
The same God who was present in the birth and blessing of this nation is the same sovereign God who today wants to restore this nation.  The real need for America is to believe Jeremiah 29:11 and to live Jeremiah 29:13.  As He often does, God calls on us, His crown creation, to respond.

(Checkout Pastor Jerry’s web site @


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