I grew up in a small town in South Mississippi. It was the kind of place where everyone ‘thought’ they knew everyone else. It was a good town, with good people, which evokes some good memories. However, there is a dark-side to being raised in such a small place. I wish I could count the times when, I did something that I didn’t want my parents to ever find out, only to discover that before I got home – THEY KNEW!! You get the picture. You get in a fight, have a breakup with a girlfriend, or just do something stupid (I hold a Doctor’s degree in stupid), and before you get home someone has phoned home and told your mom. If I have a nickel for every time that happened, I’d be a rich man today. You know what? When someone called mom (God rest her soul), I don’t think she ever asked, “Do you love my son?”, “Do you like our family?”, or with mom she probably never even asked, “How do you know Jerry?” Actually, (I know my sister will read this a...