The Important versus the Urgent

The title says it all.  There are projects after projects after projects in which I find myself immersed.  Many of these are good, but because of time constraints, they can be labeled 'Important.' However, they do not eclipse the importance of my heart before God and the need for a fresh sense of the presence of God leading to a revival among God's people.  Somehow I must make the change, the choice, and/or the transition to keep my heart and life focused on HIM and not on things.

Simply stated, "God cannot do a fresh work through me until He has done a fresh work in me."  I diligently am seeking, likely more seriously than I ever have, God's will, way, and word, for the days ahead.  

As I read Acts 1, I am that Peter referred to Psalms 69 as he addressed that flawed business meeting in the upper room. So I turned to Psalms 69 and the first verses hit me in the face;

Save me, God,
for the water has risen to my neck.
I have sunk in deep mud, and there is no footing;
I have come into deep water,
and a flood sweeps over me.
I am weary from my crying;
my throat is parched.
My eyes fail, looking for my God.

During the past couple of days, it seems that everything I've read has subconsciously brought a tear to my eye.  My cry is this, "God what are you doing in me?" AND "God, what do you WANT to do in me?" To discover how to respond to this, I have picked up "The Power of Surrender" and put my other reading on hold for the time being.

My heart's desire is to make the URGENT - IMPORTANT!!

"God, I am a flawed creature and have more flaws than most.  You know the things that haunt me and tempt me and you know how often I give in to these thoughts.  Please accept my confession and repentance for these sins and please restore me into a perfect walk with you.  Help me to become what you designed and meant for me to be.  Thank you for your forgiveness.  Give me YOUR STRENGTH to remain faithful and true in the time you give me to remain in this life.  I ask and pray this in the name of your only Son, Jesus." 


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