The Tale of Two Americas

 America...without apology, I love this land, the land of the free and the home of the brave. This land, by all human standards, an 'experiment' in democratic governance, did well for over 200 years.  Yes, there were and are some black spots in our history, but the good certainly outweighs the bad and the USA is still the bastion of freedom and opportunity. This is proven by the literal millions who are charging our southern border at a rate not seen and with a fervor that is unmatched.  They are coming because the USA is still the greatest country ever known to mankind.

Our Founding Fathers possessed an intellect that seems to far exceeds any of our modern-day leaders and whose selflessness appears in every word they wrote in those founding documents. Those founding fathers taught us much about commitment, sacrifice, and yes, unselfishness. The only way this country will survive is if we, the modern-day Americans, adopt the same attitude as our founding fathers. 

The United States is about 'Advanced Citizenship', we have to want it bad enough to fight for it. The only way we would ever fight for it is to understand that this country is pretty special, extraordinary, and the model" for the rest of the world.  Sadly, this is not understood or at least it does not appear to be understood by the younger generation. Observation tells us that we are living in the aftermath of an educational crisis that has under-educated our young people about the basics of this nation. 

A couple of years ago a reporter went to the streets to ask young people some basic questions.  Here are the sad results;

Reporter:  Do you know what a "Veteran" is? 
Young Person: Someone who takes care of animals?
Reporter: Who did America Fight in the Revolutionary war?
Young Person: Mexico
Reporter: What was the Revolutionary War all about?
Young Person: ?????
Reporter: Who won the civil war?
Young Person: No Idea.
Reporter: What was the Civil War about?
Young Person: Peanuts? Charlie Brown? I don't have a clue.
Reporter: Who won the cold war?
Young Person: Ethiopia

IF this wasn't so sad, it would be funny. Our educational system has failed to teach a generation (or more) the history of the the USA. As a result, we have long forgotten the truths about this county, her foundation, her freedom, and OUR OBLIGATIONS as citizens.

The America of days past was selfless, present day America is an exhibition of selfishness. 
The America of days past was visionary, present day America seems blind.
The America of days past was a country of law and order, present day America (by all observation) is a country of chaos.
The America of days past was a country of clear thinking and forward thinking statesman, present day America lacks such leadership.
The America of days past was a country that honored life, present day America - not so much.

This list could go on and on, but as a Christ believer, I must offer one more truth: The America of Days past was a country that honored God and His word, present day America, in the name of tolerance, inclusion, and syncretism, has kicked God and His principles to the curb.  This, in itself, results in chaos that borders on Anarchy.  

While America past was NOT perfect, the corrections which needed to be made did not have to 'throw the baby out with the bath-water.' My prayer is, "Lord, restore your people in the midst of these years."


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