National Christian Leader after National Christian Leader in article after article, shame those who profess faith in Christ for voting for and supporting former President Donald Trump. From videos to articles to Tweets (what are they now called "Xs"?) to Facebook posts, if you vote for the former president, you are a member of a hideous cult with a malformed brain, a questionable character who doesn't love God or neighbor, and who has been reprogrammed to believe - well - whatever. The vitriol continues to grow as we get closer to the election. (It used to be 'election day' but that term seems to be a thing of the past. Now, it's more like 'election season.') Today, I read that "Trump is the leader of a giant cult" and that "Harris is encouraging voters to choose joy and a more normal politics". Both of these would be laughable if they weren't so sad and serious. There are so many shortcuts through the truth that it boggles on...