
Showing posts from 2009

I’m Confused

The years 2008-2009, without a doubt, will go down in my life's history as the most confusing years of my existence (that is, unless I get Alzheimer's' – and I'm not making fun of this debilitating disease). But then again most people who know me accuse me of staying confused anyway. First, there was the presidential election of 2008. Gosh, where did the REAL candidates go? But who would have thought that the new President of these GREAT United States would dislike the United States and their concept of self-government so much. In six months we have seen a country which was admittedly in a mess—almost disintegrate before our very eyes. Now we are faced with the real prospect of the Government (Big-brother) taking over everything from Health-care to auto-makers to financial institutions and our President is not through. His thoughts are, "This Government isn't big enough." Year ago (long before he was a presidential candidate) I heard Mike Huckabee ...

God is Still Working

Last Thursday (September 17 – Constitution Day) will live on as a day of surprises. The first surprise (covered in my previous blog) was that a High School Principal (Frank Lay) and Athletic Director (Robert Freeman) was in front of a judge on "Criminal Charges" of Contempt of Court for saying a "Blessing over food." Who would have thought that our system of juris prudence would actually hear such a ridiculous case as this in a country that boast of "religious freedom" and "tolerance." (to use a "well-used" word).. The next surprise is nothing shy of a divine act of God. After a one day trial, these two men were found NOT GUILTY!!! What a story!! Although Religious Freedom for Christians under persecution in America, this was a time when God, in His grace, reached down and took control of circumstances which seemed out of control. God's people rose up to the Challenge and He responded in support. To Him be the Glory!!

Should we be worried?

Thursday, September 17, 2009, is a day that will live in infamy. On this day, the landscape for religious freedom in this nation will be changed. Frank Lay (High School Principal) and Robert Freeman (High School Employee) will stand before a judge, facing criminal charges for "saying a blessing over the food at the dedication of the school's new field house." This scenario would be funny, if it were not so sad. With the real problems facing this culture and country, the ACLU has, once again, chosen to flex its legal muscle and eradicate Christianity from all public life. From unofficial reports the ACLU is setting up for a long, expensive battle which many observers believe will ultimately be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. As we all know, the charter of the ACLU speaks of protecting the "Bill of Rights" and yet, those 'rights' include the government NOT MAKING ANY LAW WHICH PROHIBITS THE FREE EXERCISE OF RELGION." They seem to selectively ch...

Arteriosclerosis – Hardening of the Heart!

There are many things which are eating away at our culture, country, and churches. Recently, I have re-read the book "Why Churches Die?" by Dr. Mac Brunson and Dr. Ergun Caner and have been touched, once again, by their diagnoses of local congregations. On Wednesday evenings, I have offered to the congregation where I serve a series of devotional type of messages (from the Bible and this book) to point out some of these diseases. Some of the conditions related were "Myopia" (short or near-sightedness), "Atrophy" (lack of use), and Glossitis (use of the tongue) ; but to compare the modern day "cultural Christianity" to arteriosclerosis was also a stroke of genius. The words which follow only scratch the surface of what needs to be considered. His name was Bobby Dean. On the Saturday afternoon that He died, quite likely, he carried all the stubbornness into eternity that he lived with on earth. A couple of people have suggested that when he w...


Many years ago I heard my good friend, Dr. Dean Register, make a statement which clearly expresses my feelings. He said, "I'm Baptist-Born, Baptist Bred, and one day when I die, I'll be Baptist Dead! In fact, were you to cut me, I'd bleed the Cooperative Program." I love Baptists, being a Baptist, and I especially love the Southern Baptist Convention. Yes, we have our faults and failures, from time to time we have fought among ourselves like siblings, and yet, evangelism and missions have remained at the forefront of our "denomination." For all of my years as a Southern Baptist, "Jesus" has been our focus. Yes, this sounds simplistic and does not resound with intellectual elitism of which we are becoming accustomed, but for Baptists, "Jesus" has always been the 'name above all names.' As I have prayed, studied, and diligently read God's word it seems to me that anytime we give blanket adherence to any other beside...

Who Knows?

The debacle of the SBC Executive Committee seems to still light up the Press, Twitter, and even Facebook. Today I read response after response calling for Dr. Morris Chapman's resignation. Even in this heightened emotional time, most (if not all) acknowledges Dr. Chapman's longevity and leadership during these past 30 years and thus, simply states that he has lost touch with the rank and file Baptist, has developed a skewed perception of what the SBC is all about, or is one whose time has passed. Candidly, it is not my place (at this point) to join this call as I believe him to be a good man who has indeed led us for years and deserves better than this. But it is my belief, that every person employed by an SBC church or entity deserves better than this. That being said, there still exist several telling issues which require the Executive committee's attention (now, I'm talking about the ENTIRE Executive Committee as opposed to only the officers and administration of...

Here We Go Again

In the aftermath of the SBC it has been interesting to talk with people who were "in attendance" in Louisville and those who "attended" via the internet. The consensus has been that this was a good Convention but like so many times before, the after story becomes the story. Enter a fine young man named "Clark Logan" accompanied by the bureaucratic "two-step" which has become so prominent. Candidly, I've met Bro. Morris Chapman one time about 15 years ago and I've never met Bro. Clark, so it is not that I have a "dog in the fight" of the employee-employer relationship publicity scandal which has surfaced. However as a Southern Baptist, any time a situation develops which causes a black mark on the Southern Baptist name and thus, negatively impacts our testimony of grace and gospel concerns me greatly. While those "inside the beltway" of the Executive Committee might see this as a "Personnel Policy" being ...

I Don't Understand

No one has ever accused me of being the "sharpest tool in the toolbox", but the word 'confusion' does not even touch my thoughts today. In fact, these thoughts have not just begun with this week of the 2009 SBC in Louisville but rather, have been growing over the past 10-15 years as I have listened to the debate inside the convention which I love so much. As confused as I am about this one subject, I am not confused about the potential repercussions of writing this blog. To lay forth these few thoughts generally will exact an attack of major proportions, yet what follows is what I feel about the debate over John Calvin and his philosophy (no, I don't believe it is a theology) called Calvinism. By design, this blog will not be extended. As I have read the "Twitters", the "Twubs", and watched over the internet, I am amazed that Calvin is receiving almost as much attention as our Lord Jesus, and for me, something is wrong with this. As we know...

America, Love it or Leave it

It has been over 6 months since I've "blogged" anything. Candidly, who knows where to begin? Seemingly our electorate has made some decisions which make it difficult to understand. The result is that today, this great nation teeters on the bring of fiscal, moral, and ethical collapse. (I know that others have differing opinions--that's their right--but this is my personal opinion). Amid the melee of all our difficulties we are barraged with the Political Correctness (PC) group which tells us that we have to be tolerant of all cultures, practices, religions, and faiths. This group pushes the point to say this nation should change to accommodate all of the immigrants so that they will "feel comfortable" in the USA. Make no mistake about the USA, we should be a friend to all who desire a better life in America but at the same time, the very reason they desired to come here was because of the culture which thousands have given their lives to establish and...