
Showing posts from 2012

The Last Election???

The day after this National  Election, I posted this - kind of musing about the election & the implications - on Facebook....Candidly, I did receive a sharp rebuke - but that was expected and did not change my convictions - I still stand behind my words.  Actually these words are indeed moderated compared to my deep convictions.  Now, its weeks later and already we are seeing the fallout begin....My prayer is still, "God, save this nation from herself." On Election night, Deb & I were driving back from a Revival meeting in the Bay St. Louis/Waveland area of Mississippi. We thought the trip was going well until about 7:50pm when our right rear tire decided to ‘blow-out.’ Not to worry, we’re fine but the tire was mush. After changing the tire, we thought about checking on the election results (we had cast our absentee ballot some 14 days earlier).  Deb fired up the Ipad and we were stunned at the results which were coming in. Not wanting to believ...

Where's The Pig

A close friend of mine has expressed my sentiments exactly; "I'm Southern Baptist born and bred, one day when I die I'll be Southern Baptist dead.  When you cut me, I bleed the Cooperative Program."  This qualifier is placed at the beginning of this piece because it is important to me for any reader to know that I have been, am, and continue to be committed to the SBC.  While we are not truly a 'denomination', we are a collection of independent Baptist Church voluntarily bonded to each other for the purpose of sharing the gospel of Christ with all nations.  Arguably, the Cooperative Program has proven to be the greatest mission sending 'mechanism' ever created by mankind.  We have and can support more personnel on the mission field than any other body, group, or denomination.  My commitment to the Southern Baptist Convention runs deep as for over 35 years I have served in active, full-time vocational ministry. Over the years we have had our share of...

What Will It Take

Even though it has been several weeks ago, I am still reeling from the pronouncement by President Obama that 'same-sex' marriage should be legal.  His continued leadership away from Jehovah God is not at all surprising.  With every decision and word the President distances himself from the foundations of this nation.  There are those who attempt to refute that this country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, but those arguments fall short when anyone arrives at any of the national monuments constructed by our nation's fathers.  Just one 'for instance' is the Supreme Court.  Go back a few years ago when these men and ladies, dress in black, told State Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore that he had to remove the Ten Commandments from His court house.  These Federal Judges issued this edict as they sat in front of a wall on which those same "TEN COMMANDMENTS" were chiseled in stone by our Fore-Father.  It seems that those men, our Fore-Fathers had an...

Wake Up, Believing America

The sad days in America continue to come. This time the place is in Cranston, Rhode Island. The topic: a prayer written by a student back in 1963 which has been hanging on the wall of the school since then. The objection: a 16 year girl who makes two claims. First, she’s an atheist and next, she’s offended by a prayer. The judge: Ronald R. Lagueux who, not surprisingly, ruled that the prayer must be taken down. The “REAL” players: The ACLU, who’s charter reads (paraphrase) “To protect the Bill of Rights” and probably should be amended to read, “To rid this country of any hint of the God of our Forefathers.” Once again, an unelected (that means appointed) judge chooses to legislate from the bench and do it behind the veiled words of ‘protecting the constitution.’ Yet, it takes no legal scholar to recognize that the motivation is not to protect the constitution but to amend it, without proper procedure, to negate some of the very principles upon which our founding fathers ‘framed’ thi...