The Callings of Christ
Recently I read that a call from God was like a 'telephone' ringing, our Lord calls and we answer and listen. When Jesus saw the four fishermen, his call was very simple. All He said was, "Follow Me." While the call was indeed a simple call, the response was more difficult. Peter and Andrew left their boats and nets, James and John left their "Father, boats, nets, and his hired help", and later on scripture recorded that Matthew left his lucrative accounting business (tax collecting). Following Christ will always mean leaving 'something.' While this is not a popular message and certainly one that is less than palatable, it is certain a scriptural part of the call of Christ. His callings extend to every part of our lives. He calls us to SALVATION - in other words to be saved. This call, in and of itself, is a call to leave one life and take on another. Following Christ means a change of our entire life and direction, a repenta...