Where are we (the USA) headed?
When one considers the heritage of this country, the present day culture is almost amazing. Just meander through the historical monuments in Washington, D.C., pay attention to the engravings of our forefathers, and the obvious conclusion is that the founding fathers of this nation had a deep faith in God and deep trust in the Bible. For instance, above the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court hangs an indelible engraving of the Ten Commandments. This is only one of many illustrations of the desire from those deep thinking writers of our national documents to keep God's word center stage in this nation. So how is it that we now live in a society which believes in tolerance for everyone and everything except God and the Bible. In the early days of America the Bible was THE text book for the teaching of reading to young students in public school. Today that same Bible is not really allowed on the school grounds let alone in the classroom. Just exactly how did this happen? Who was it tha...