
Showing posts from 2015

America’s Great Need

The state of our nation coupled with the perception of our citizens brings about much fear for the future of the USA.  For seemingly the first time in history, we have lost our way to such a degree that people (at least what the ‘polls’ tell us) do not understand what is required to have a safe, strong, and stable nation.  It appears that at least half of the citizens have little clue about what made and makes us great, the sacrifices required, and the attention which must be given to our Liberty – “IF” we are to survive. Admittedly, I have not watched (and probably will not watch) the Democratic Party’s Presidential debate, but I have watched some snippets online.  What I saw and what I see in the substance of the debate concerns me greatly.  Before you choose to attack me for what I’m about to write, just remember these are on MY THOUGHTS, not yours, not a Political Party’s, and certainly not ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, these are some of the truths that I have gleaned fr...

The Rule of Law

Kim Davis spent 5 days in jail at the hands of the United States District Court Judge David L. Bunning.  Think about that, 5 days in jail!  While many might believe that she ‘deserved what she received because she broke the law’, the truth is, there was ‘ no law on the books to break .’  She was incarcerated because the APPOINTED judge took issue with how the ELECTED county clerk performed her job.  This incident is one that most ‘Older People’ would have never deemed possible in the USA – and candidly, is not possible UNDER Constitutional Rule of Law.  Our Founding Fathers who penned our founding papers and Framed our Government, were deep thinkers.  In fact, we have VERY FEW (if any) people today who think as deeply as did these men.  They were able to set up in abstract what we know in substance.  Their “Crowning Document” is known as the US Constitution.  This is a relatively short, interesting, and binding document.  Well at least,...

Christian or Muslim - A Letter from & for the Media (and US)

Over the past couple of days (and more) I have observed, admittedly with some amusement, as the media has attempted to call Donald Trump out for not correcting the reporter who called President Obama a Muslim.  Candidly, I was not going to write about this until I heard one of the other candidates say these words, "Yes, he (Trump) should have corrected the reporter because I have many times."  Had he left it at this, I would probably not be writing but then he went on to say, "The President has stated that he is a "Christian by faith."  This statement touched a nerve in me - from a Biblical perspective. I'll admit it, I am one of those who remain unconvinced about the President's true faith, but this issue runs more deeply than just with President Obama.  Inasmuch as the POTUS is simply a citizen of this great nation who has been elected or selected by the populous to lead our country, whatever spiritual truths apply to us still apply to him.  NOW TO...

ON Social Media - BE CAREFUL

The rave of the day is "Social Media".  Social Media is 'US" telling people about what we're doing, where we are, the important days in our lives, our grandchildren (I like that), and even "What we're eating."  Some of the funniest posts, at least to me, are ones where someone actually pulls out a device and takes a picture of what they are about to eat.  This borders on either cruel or bragging!! :) Now don't mistake this post or my attitude as being 'agin' all of this because I'm not.  Honestly, Social Media has reconnected me with friends who I have not seen in 25+ years and I love that.  Today, those friends who would have been alive only in memory are today only a keystroke away. Having said all of that, there are some dangers we need to consider and some cautions we need to take as we share our lives on Social Media. Consider this, in the past few months I have heard more than one person say, " How can they post somet...

The Anatomy of a Sick Church - Thom Rainer

Thom Rainer, CEO of LifeWay, has built a career on helping God's church to become all that God wants it to be, I read his blog fairly regularly.  He has studied the church, taught in Seminary, conducted research on the church, and served (probably still does on a limited basis) as a Church Consultant for many church who need a course re-direction.   I find many of his blogs have the quality of taking what we "Know to be true" & putting it in words for us to assimilate.  This blog is very short & simple - but right on point...While you may not enjoy this reading, maybe it will assist your thinking.  Grace.. "THE ANATOMY OF A SICK CHURCH"

Donald Trump for President????

Admittedly, I am not a "Political Analyst", but I am finding our presidential race (just getting started) to be a little intriguing.  However if the pundits will sit up and pay attention, it is also REVEALING. This election is stacking up, in my humble opinion, in a very sad way.  But most of our elections of late have been a precursor to what we might see next year.  It matters not what "Political Party" you are from, already this has to be disheartening while at the same time, somewhat enlightening. On the Democratic side, a person carrying a famous name, Clinton, is seeking to use that name to win the Oval Office.  Better said, it almost seems like she is not really 'seeking' the office but EXPECTING to occupy it.  To me (my deeply felt, believed, & HIGHLY PERSONAL opinion), she has approached this campaign more like, 'from victory' instead of 'for victory.'  In other words, she believes that she IS the next President & the Fir...

A Day In Imfamy

June 26, 2015, is a day that will live in infamy.  The USA has now come under attack from inside its legal system, the very system which the framers of our Constitution setup to protect her citizens.  Year ago I heard it said that this nation would fall from the inside, without a shot ever being fired, and it now appears those "may be" prophetic words.  The Highest Court in the Land, presided over by 9 'NON-ELECTED' lawyers, accountable seemingly to no one, given specific powers in Article III of the Constitution to interpret laws that the " Congress " has passed, in one decision, has broken so many judicial rules, traditions, and principles laid forth in the founding papers and ensuing decisions, that a person could write for weeks (and many will) about their flawed action. At the outset, as deeply as I believe this decision to be morally wrong, I also have a deep belief that the manner in which this decision occurred flies in the face of how the US lega...


After my post yesterday entitled "Sad Days Among the SBC", someone pointed out that "State Conventions at their annual meetings were voting to decrease the percentage of CP money which remains in the state" and then they asked, "WHY?"  This is my response to that question and statement.  Let me be clear.  I do not perceive this person to have responded in a mean-spirited way and I do not respond with animus in my heart.  Rather, it is with a deep love for Southern Baptists, with all of her facets, that I respond (and I do not question the love for Southern Baptist of the one I am responding to).  However, as Forest Gump might say, "That's all I have to say about that" (for now).  So I will move forward as there is much Kingdom work to be done.  Grace to you. The honest reasons that I blog so little are many. First, I really don’t have the time to sit in front of a computer and type all day. Second, I don’t see the ‘positive’ impact fro...

Sad Days Among the SBC

After reading a 'national blog' (whatever that is), this was and is my response.  For me, these are sad days among Southern Baptists.  At a time when we need to expand our 'cooperative spirit', it seems the divisive nature of mankind is running rampant among us.  Grace. "I continue to read, with interest, the ongoing disrespect and disparaging which goes towards the State Conventions.  For me (no I am not a YOUNGER GEN person) it is indeed sad.  It is sad that we feel like we have to 'tear down' that part of the SBC structure which has built us up.   My experience only extends to the last 40 years, but in this time I have watched as the staff of state conventions have given unselfishly of their time and giftedness to extend and expand the Cooperative Program and thus, the Kingdom of God.  They have spent a great deal of time away from their families to assist the local church.  They have worked tirelessly to educate and inspire member churche...


This is a little eerie.  Yesterday I posted the writings of another pastor's blog entitled "10 Ways to Kill a Church" and the same day James Schupp's book, "Who Killed My Church" arrives in the mail.  James and I now have a friendship which has begun and continues 'online'.  He lives in Texas and after years of Pastoring, is now planting a church.  I say that to express that, over the years, he has accumulated some knowledge about the state of and reason for a 'dying church.'  His book, "Who Killed My Church", is an easy read that is packed full of truths and EVERY FOLLOWER OF CHRIST probably needs to read it.  I had the privilege of reading the manuscript several months again as it was being prepared for publication.  Here is the link . It is worth both the money and the time.

10 Ways to Kill a Church

Wishing I had more time to read and stay up with the modern day 'politics & problems' of our nation, but realizing that I have to choose and pick what I study, the Church of the Lord consumes more & more of my time and reading.  From the Bible to other books and then to 'blogs.'  I try to be 'choosey' and glean the best.  Sometimes I accomplish this and sometimes not.  I just read this blog by a brother who just happens to be an African-American Pastor.  His grasp of the church is good so I offer you HIS WORDS (which I believe to be RIGHT ON POINT).. Maybe someday I'll have the opportunity to sit and talk with him. 

Thom Rainer's Blog

Everyday my email box is filled with dozen (okay - over 50) emails from all kinds of people, causes, & 'sale pitches.'  Most of them I delete (twice - to make sure their gone) and move on.  Attempting to 'unsubscribe' is a joke as it seems that I may actually get unsubscribed to the specific thing I am attempting to STOP, but it may just be me, but it SEEMS that for everyone I unsubscribe from, I received two new pieces of mail - EVERYDAY.  Through I receive highlighted events and blog.  One of those blog which I receive is about Dr. Thom Rainer, CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources.  I would be lying if I said Dr. Rainer & I agree on every issue.  However, in several years of reading his blogs - he seems to have a good hand on the pulse of our churches most of the time.  Today, I received an email from Newsle and the lead story was "THOM RAINER - 9 Traits of Church Bullies."  Reading it was both informative and saddening....


A Message from a few weeks ago which is needed by the culture and the church.  May it speak to you...because Jesus is coming!!Studio

So Many Topics, So Little Time

While admittedly I have rarely been a 'prolific' blogger (mainly because many who believe the world 'needs to hear their opinion' have little basis to feel that way), our country, culture, and even our planet is now seeing things happen at a phenomenal rate. Perhaps the 'rate' by which events are unfolding have not increased as much as my personal knowledge and perception have been awakened to these undesired changes. Furthermore, there is a great possibility that these changes (which have taken place largely over the past 15 years) have weighed on my heart and life as well as is now bearing down on the future of this country, the world, God's church, as well as my children and grandchildren. Most of my posts have been inspirational in nature and I would desire to continue those types of posts. However at least in the USA, there are many other things to which a spiritual leader (I.E. a pastor) should be speaking – and as time passes I intend to do so....

A Productive Life

In 2006, I had the opportunity to go to Saddleback Church in Southern California for two seminars in one week.  In the process I had the privilege of meeting Rick Warren and seeing, first hand, His heart and passion, as well as sense the heart and passion of the people who make up the Saddleback flock. For these reasons I am interested in Rick's view on a number of issues.  In one of his recent blogs, he give "9 Actions You must take to Reach Your Biggest Goals."  There are worth sharing with the few who read my writings.  If nothing else, browse the main points.  I pray that God will use these words to stir you to the life He WANTS YOU TO HAVE. _______________________________________________ Rick says" 1. Determine your present position. You can’t figure out where you want to go until you know where you already are. You’ve got to know your present position, your current condition. You have to know where you are right now. Where am I now financ...


Several years ago, Deb and I enjoyed a week long cruise.  It was fun (and "I" would like to go again. Her, not so much with the many incidents on cruise ships these days).  On the last night, some of the guests became (tongue in cheek) "Legends" and put on a show for the rest of the ship.  I portrayed "Frank Sinatra" and had a blast.  The show was fun.  Deb taped this on HER PHONE!!!  Not too bad (I'm talking about the video) for her first stab at it.  Posted on Youtube, I will say "It hasn't gone viral yet."  Listen and you'll know why....GRIN

A Good Christmas Present

I have such a great family, they treat me really good at all times of the year but especially on those Holidays.  Honestly, I have never written anything about them because I attempt to not publicize them at all, but they are great!!  I only mention them because they give me more and better gifts than any man deserves. That said and understood, this past Christmas week (year 2014) was a fulfillment of the dream of a lifetime. Since the mid-1970's I have attempted to be a 'published' song writer.  During those days I would write out the score and submit to publishers.  The first piece I sent of went to the old "Crescendo Publishing" company out in Dallas, Texas (as I  recall).  It took the company ( after calling every 6 weeks) 13 MONTHS to decide they were not going to publish the arrangement. In the 1980's I did a 'little better' as the predecessor to "LifeWay" publications picked up my first song and in short order, the old John T. Benso...