
Showing posts from 2008

Lord Jesus, Come Quickly

Tonight I, like 150 million other Americans, found myself watching the results of Presidential Election. As I have watched the results come in, though I have really not been surprised, I have sat and watched with great sadness as it seems the United States we have known may never "be" again. In an unusual way, this night has given me a kind of surreal feeling as so many voted to move this country to a decided "leftist" philosophy. It seems that the economy and the poor approval rating of President Bush were the main driving forces of this election. The issues of "National Security" and defending our freedom were cast aside. The great moral and ethical issues which plague this nation have been discarded. That being said, I suggest that several things will happen in the not to distant future which might make the Obama supporters wish they had known him better. In the next four years there will be an attack on the unborn like we have not seen. It may ri...

Praying for a Miracle

I am about to finish reading a very enlightening book. It is not a book that gives good news, but it does reveal the disturbing truth about life in the USA. As I have read (slowly) this book, I have "stepped up" my prayers for this great nation. This book is written by David Kupelian and is entitled, "The Marketing of Evil." Mr. Kupelian's research reveals the trek of our country's downfall and makes the strong case as to how "Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts" have sold us corruption disguised as FREEDOMS!! This is incredible, but hardly arguable. Think about this; a premeditated-scheme or strategy was developed and implemented to convince citizens that crime is a ' constitutional right', that sin is really alright, and that all the evils (as taught by the Bible) are really issues of tolerance and acceptance. In one of Kupelian's final chapters he refers to Francis Schaefer's 1984 book entitled "The Great Evangelica...

Where did the real Newscasters Go?

Blogging is not one of my prioirities of life. Yet, as I see it, a blog allows for self expression. There is a reason why I have deliberately chosen to not blog for almost a month, that reason is, "I have been watching and listening." Personally, I prefer for my blog to focus on spiritual, ethical, and even moral matters. After watching the events on the national political scene, there are many things which are good and bad, great and sad, as well as other things which demand our attention. It has been interesting to watch the development in National Political arena. Finally, the veil has been pulled back and all of America has become a witness to the "Liberal Bias" of the National Media. To watch and listen to the ABC ("A Barack Channel"), NBC ("Noone but Barack Channel"), MSNBC ("McCain Stinks, Negate Barack's Critics"), or others leaves one to clearly understand one simple truth; "the national press is no longer a reporte...

You Can Run But You Can't Hide

It is rumored that, in the 1940’s, on the eve of his fight with Billy Conn, boxer Joe Lewis uttered the phrase as “You can run, but you can’t hide.” While I am neither a boxer nor a “boxing-fan”, it requires little imagination to know that this statement was sent as a warning to Joe’s opponent. Every time I read the story of Jonah this phrase comes to mind. At the beginning of Jonah, God calls him to go ‘across the tracks” to a place called Nineveh and preach. The truth is this; God is still speaking to His crown creation today (that would be you and me). God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, so “IF” He called people in the Bible days, He’s still calling people today. God wanted Jonah to go northeast to Nineveh but Jonah decided to go SOUTHWEST to Joppa! Think about that! Jonah went exactly opposite of where God told him to go. I’m wondering if that sound familiar. Thinking he could “make an escape” from God’s call, he left and with every step he took, he went down. T...

A Tale of Two Men

"It was the best of times, It was the worst of times," and with those two phrases Charles Dickens begins his classic and well-read work "A Tale of Two Cities."  In this lengthy read one discovers love, hate, sacrifice, tragedy, and much more.  In an oversimplified analysis the warning goes to London, England to be wary of the American Revolution because it could treat them like the French Revolution did Paris, France.   There is much to be learned anytime someone takes the time to compare 2 types of anything (I.E. cities, countries, cultures, empires, and even people).  The investigator will learn what "to do" and, more importantly, what "not to do." The Apostle Paul identifies the two most influential people to ever walk the face of the earth.  In 1 Corinthians 15 he calls them the "First Adam" and the "Last Adam".  The question is this; what did these men leave on earth as their legacy.  Still tracking Paul's writings, i...

FIREPROOF! Sherwood Pictures did it again!

Throughout my years I have been marginally involved in media production (I.E. Video, Television , Radio jingles, etc) and have always believed that this medium of communication has been largely overlooked as a means of sharing the gospel. Now I do remember some 30 years ago the FILM ministry which was available. While good film were made and used by some churches, reaching outside of the church and on to the "BIG SCREEN" was rarely, if ever achieved. It is exciting to see God do a work which can only be ascribed to Him. Sherwood Baptist Church and Sherwood Pictures have indeed made a mark on this nation for Christ. Alex and Stephen Kendrick have allowed God to develop the talent for writing GREAT SCRIPTS and producing GREAT FILMS. Candidly, while I love the story-line in "Facing the Giants" and know the far-reaching impact of this movie, the story-line in their first project (lesser known) is perhaps as strong, if not stronger, than Giants. "Flywheel"...

Of the Judges, for the Judges, and BY THE JUDGES

Today I am troubled. Troubled by a country and culture which is seemingly attempting to rewrite history and thus plunge this nation into a free fall from which she may never recover. It is sad to say that our nation does not seem to possess the "deep-thinking-intellectual" men as we did in the early days of this great country. Anyone who has taken the time to read our foundational documents (I.E. the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, etc) find it amazing that our founding Fathers said so much and used so few words. It is increasingly interesting to note that the "interpretations of these documents in our day" given by OUR deep-thinkers(?) are almost always diametrically opposed to the interpretation given by the very men who penned these documents. We saw this happen again yesterday in California when their Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, overturned not just the law but, THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. It was as recent as 2000 that Proposition 22 was passed (...

Who Am I?

The late Rusty Goodman penned the words to my mother's favorite gospel song. It is entitled "Who Am I?" The chorus to this song shows great introspection and self evaluation when it says: Who am I that a King would bleed and die for? Who am I that He would pray, "not my will, Thine Lord." The answer I may never know, why He ever loved me so, That to an old rugged cross He'd go, for "Who Am I?" Candidly, it seems that this attitude is lost on most today. From the pulpit to the pew to the playgrounds in America, the prevailing attitude seems to be that we do God a "favor" by giving Him a few hours on Sunday morning. If we are a cut above, He can have a little more time on Sunday evening. If we are SUPER Christian, we'll participate on Wednesday services or Tuesday outreach. The bottom line is that by our actions, many times it appears that whatever we choose to give, He should gladly take and be thankful. In His book "The Knowledge...

Following God

As a believer in Jesus, the goal of life is to "know and follow God through the Lord Jesus" and yet, what does that mean? The truth is that everyone seems to have their own version of what this means. For some, it means to live good, treat others good, take care of your family, be kind to nature, and generally be a good ole boy (or girl). To others, it means to add "love" into the equasion. The confusing thing about this (at least for me) is that "love" is either undefinable or is subject to much debate. Suffice to say that most who believe following God constitutes being "good" and having a "loving" spirit would add that this type of love is just a "live and let live" or "go along to get along" or even "peace at any cost" type of thing. This is a pretty interesting concept. The reason this concept is so interesting is because it is totally opposite of the life and lifestyle of the one who followed God more...

Roy Morgan

His name was Roy Morgan. For over 60 years he has been a "preacher." He was a spiritual giant with a heart about the size of Texas. I've only known him and Miss Jean for a little over 2 years, but have loved every minute that I have spent with them. Bro. Roy was a man of "dry-wit" and an incurable desire to preach the word. It's official, he retired from the active pastorate 3 times!! During the past 2 years he has been a member of Hueytown Baptist and has spoken for me on several occasions. Each time our congregation was blessed by the wonderful wit, the deep spiritual truths, and sincerity of character with which he communicated. Last night, God called him home. The Bible says, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints." Certainly this time God has called home a true saint. Years ago I wrote a song for which the words are the chorus are appropriate today; When I walked through the gates, He was waiting for me, The sweet son of...

Moses Is Dead

My great memory of Charleton Heston is seeing him "part the Red Sea!" As a child, I remember how awesome it was when he raised his hand, God's rod, and that powerful voice to say something like, "See the Mighty Hand of God." (What followed was and is a great tribute to a great God.) During his lifetime, Mr. Heston portrayed several Biblical characters and it always seemed that he did it in a very authentic way. As we all know, this past week at 84 years of age, he passed from this life into eternity. Reading the article of his passing - saddens me as I considered the passing of something more important than an actor. It seems to me that as this generation passes from the scene so have many of the moral and principles which were the foundation of our culture. Mr. Heston and his wife were married 50+ years at his death. (How long has it been since this has been the norm instead of the exception?) It is a sad note which reminds us that a few years ago a wel...

What's Next?!?!

If you are over 45 years old, you (like I) may have difficulty believing what is happening in this country. For the better part of 200 years in the good ole USA we had a commonality of belief about the guidelines for a healthy culture. Candidly, not everyone was a fully-committed and developing follower of Christ, but society enjoyed some basic tenants of belief which guided public policy with respect to ethics and morals. About 45 years ago it began to change, and change it did! When my children were growing up they used to sing a song entitled, "Living Life Upside Down." At the risk of sounding like an OLD FUDDY-DUDDY that song epitomizes the culture of our day. Consider this; THAT which was, for thousands of years, considered evil, today is not only acceptable but expected. In fact, if you talk to the right people, this aberant behavior is not just expected and accepted but it is unavoidable!! Wow! How far we have fallen. Honestly, I thought we had experienced the apex whe...

Where are we (the USA) headed?

When one considers the heritage of this country, the present day culture is almost amazing. Just meander through the historical monuments in Washington, D.C., pay attention to the engravings of our forefathers, and the obvious conclusion is that the founding fathers of this nation had a deep faith in God and deep trust in the Bible. For instance, above the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court hangs an indelible engraving of the Ten Commandments. This is only one of many illustrations of the desire from those deep thinking writers of our national documents to keep God's word center stage in this nation. So how is it that we now live in a society which believes in tolerance for everyone and everything except God and the Bible. In the early days of America the Bible was THE text book for the teaching of reading to young students in public school. Today that same Bible is not really allowed on the school grounds let alone in the classroom. Just exactly how did this happen? Who was it tha...

Making it through

Years ago I heard a preacher pontificate; "every person in this room is in one of 3 places. They are either in the middle of a storm, coming out of a storm, or about to enter a storm." At the time I didn't really believe my ears, however, a few more years of life convinces me that this axiom is absolutely true! However, most of us have unrealistic expectations about life. We actually expect things to go smoothly and are surprised when "the train jumps the tracks." If you and I honestly review our lives, we are required to admit that trouble surrounds us. So how do we make it through? Jesus' half-brother, James, gives us a clue. In the book which bears his name, the scripture records, "count it pure joy when you fall into various trials and testings." Two things are noteworthy from this verse. First, it is not "IF" but "WHEN" we get in a storm. Next, we need be view the reason for this struggle with joy. Why is this? Because the ...


Of all the days that should be days of rejoicing, praising, and even worshipping, it should be Easter! Much more than bunnies, candy, eggs, etc, this day is about our Lord Jesus. It was this day that He made a way for our redemption and justification! Redemption & Justification-- hmm - now there's two big words, whatever do they mean and better yet, are they just religious words or do they apply to "me?" Well yes, they both possess a tremendous application to us all. Redemption, by definition, means several things. Here are a couple; 1) It means to "buy back." This meaning should remind us that God designed each one of us to have a close, intimate, and personal relationship with Him. We are His by creation. However, when sin came into the world through Adam in the Garden, we lost this relationship. You see, God is a good love, but He is also a God of purity and thus, cannot allow sin in His presence. Upon sinning, both Adam and Eve were barred fr...

Will the Real President Please Stand Up!

We are early in this election year and already I'd like it to be OVER. Years ago, there was a movie in which a candidate withdrew from the election and suggested that the majority vote for "none of the above!!" Man to have that option!! Yet, to vote for none of the above means two things; 1) It means you vote with the majority. To abstain from voting in protest is tantamount to giving the majority your vote. 2) It means to not vote. With respect to one candidate, a vote of "present" is not an acceptable position. It means you're sticking your finger in the air to see which way the wind of politics is blowing and then your cast you sails to go with that wind. It means you're sitting on the fence---all you get from riding the fence is splinters. Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in time we can make a difference if we don't give up. To not vote is to give up. Let us remember that our system of "democracy" as a republic is buil...

I Really Don't Understand

In many ways, I feel like one of the most blessed and fortunate men to ever live. No, life has not always given me all that "I" wanted, but it has certainly given me more than I deserved!! Back in 1994 I moved to Biloxi, MS, as pastor of the Bay Vista Baptist Church. Spending 6 years with that wonderful congregation and being able to stay in that "area" for another 5 years had and has its little perks. For instance, the friends established on the Mississippi Gulf Coast are friendships which will last a lifetime. Some of the best people I know live down there. Being the golfer that I 'try to be' and loving golf as I do, Billy and Sheryl Applewhite (both golf professionals) became like family to us. We spent time in their home, they spent time in ours, we played golf together, fished together, and we even lived in their 'house' for a year! Needless to say, this is a relationship which we value greatly. Along our journey, Billy and Sheryl have introduce...

Remember, Repent, and Return

One of the great part of being a Pastor is seeing God changing people's lives. There are those who come to faith in Christ and their lives are transformed by the power of Christ. These changes are those which make the angels in heaven rejoice. (In human terms, that would mean "throw a party"). We are designed to have a personal relationship with God. When we come to Christ through faith we find forgiveness, new life, and this personal relationship with God. According to His word, the ONLY way to have a personal relationship with God is in Jesus Christ. These days my heart has been blessed by the repentance, confession, and renewal of some who have known the Lord for a long time. They have, for one reason or another (most of the time "accidentially"), allowed their relationship with the Father to grow cold & stale AND NOW, they have heard God's voice and responded to His call. Honestly, all of us who know the Lord have been right there! Today, it ...

Just wondering

Recently I sent out one of those blanket emails which I happened to think was "right on" (actually, delete most of them). This one was about the 10 Commandments' place in the history of the USA and gave information relative to some of our founding fathers and their attitude towards God, the Bible, Christianity, and even religion in government. Candidly, I carefully selected (or at least I thought I did) my receivers from my list of "friends" and sent it out with a reference to one of our "Presidential Candidates". You guessed it, less than 6 hours later I had a blistering response from one of my "friends". This "friend" was all over me for such propaganda and went on to literally denegrate the philosphies and impact of those leaders who established this great nation. So I sit and I wonder....... Can a person be "Christian" politician and consistently vote for the murder of babies? Or to give "Civil-Rights" ...

The Hueytown Community Revival Meeting

Most of us remember (in years past) of attending "Community Revival Meetings." In fact, we even had a name for those meetings. We called them "Crusades." The preachers who were invited were always well-known. Billy Graham, James Robison, and E. J. Daniels are but three from a long list of "Mass Evangelists." Many times these events were held in "Football Stadiums" and people came from miles around to attend this event. (Personally, I remember my church group driving over 3 hours to hear Billy Graham). The super part of these meetings (this picture which is still etched in my mind) is hundreds of people making decisions for the Lord. Sadly, today those meeting are viewed as a "relic" of days past. Yet, in good ole Hueytown, Alabama, last week we saw (what I believe) to be the beginning of a renewal of this revival effort. Many of the congregations in and around this community came together for a meeting such as this. Admittedl...


Many years Christian Singer Luke Garrett sang these words, "Some say life is just a series of decisions. We make choices, we live and learn." Others reminds us that our life is a sum total of the choices we make. Literally, we make dozens of decisions or choices every day and with each choice we make a direction, a path, and a course is charted. Additionally, each decision invokes its own consequence. The truth of this is found in the Biblical laws of sowing and reaping. You know those laws, there are three of them. First, you reap exactly what you sow. Next, you reap later than you sow. Finally, you reap more than you sow. The seed we sow in this life is directly impacted by our decision or choices. Sadly, we spend most of our time focusing on things which have little significant and little meaning. Yes, these things "SEEM" to be important at the time, but candidly those things which are seemingly "SO IMPORTANT" noone will even remember in 6 m...

Unity and Harmony

Since announcing that I am blogging every Monday and Thursday, it seems that world makes a valliant attempt to "fall apart" on these days. While I am not making the grade by being unquestionably consistent in my postings, at least I am becoming more frequent in my posts. I hope they offer some word which enlightens or encourages. Recently there was a meeting of "a New Baptist Covenant (NBC)" in GA which boasted some very "high profile" leaders. Among the more recognizable names were two former US Presidents, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. In President Carter's address he called for "unity around the gospel." This has proved very interesting for me because it seems that any true unity must have ONE GOSPEL at its center. With all due respect, it would seem that the message of the Bible is very much dissimilar from the gospel of President Carter. I am sorry to say this meeting of the NBC is made up of people who have already left the Southern Ba...

Really Disappointed with an Influential Leader

Admittedly, the politics of this presidential campaign added to what might be called a "lack of real options" is disheartening. From the top 4 candidates who are battling for the 2 nominations, it appears that those who have a passion to see this country restored to her former glory have been all but left out. Candidly at this point of the process, I have no clue who will get my vote. Lookinig down the list of candidates, each one of them seems (at least to me) to have serious flaws in their philosophy and direction. In other words, "their views do not fairly and accurately represent my views." While this may sound a little narcisistic, the truth is this; everytime we cast a vote we attempt to elect someone who represents our way of thinking. THIS IS, after all, the American way. Those in Washington are merely a "representative" of us in the "heartland." Let us keep this thought in mind this year. Now, for my disappointment. One of the people I h...

What this country really needs is................

One of the things that I have NEVER been is a political activist! In fact, you might think me "un-American" or something, but I don't do politics. When I think of politics and Christianity the joke which I enjoy with one of my friends who is a politician. (Sorry Mike) The joke goes like this; One day at lunch a man stood to speak to a civic group. He began, "I'm a Christian Politician." From the back of the room, he was interrupted by a gruff voice saying, "Make Up Your Mind!!" (yea, I'm grinning) Make no mistake. To be a believer in the politcal area is (in this day of time) a decision to put your life on the line. Yet, being a Public Servant is exactly that. Over the years we have watched as one politician after another has fallen prey to the lure of "special interests". Honestly, the most "special" of these "interests" are "self", "number one", "me". Sadly, in the past 5...

Church Growth or Church Health

It was in the early 1970's when I first heard the "term" CHURCH GROWTH. Honestly, at that time I didn't know a movement even existed. But what I did know is this; everything I read about church growth makes sense (and today, in large measure, still does) because Jesus' words were about "an ongoing construction process" that for whatever reason He invited, insisted, and even expected us to be involved. For years now there has been an evergrowing emphasis on "Church Growth." We have read books, heard tapes, been to conferences, and tried our best to catch the wave. While without any apology I have a biblical conviction that every local church should be alive and growing (both spiritually and numerically) perhaps we should re-examine our goals, aim, and yes, purpose. During the "State of the Church" address this year, I challenged us to focus on Church HEALTH as opposed to Church Growth, because a "HEALTHY" church will be a GRO...

A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Okay, maybe they are not so little, but certainly they are leading. Last night (1/27/08), the students at HBC led a service in which they shared about their recent camp experience. For most of us in the church, we have heard these reports many times before. At times, these service get into a "contest" of who can be the funniest, who can say the "craziest" thing, or even a testimony to the food and "van ride." However, last night seemed to have a deeper and more spiritual sense than in times before. This time we heard about relationships being forged, spiritual relationships. We heard about getting to know God on almost a "first name" basis. We heard about laying things down on the altar. We even heard one teenager being brutally honest and talked about her heart, or her feeling of not having one. Of all the comments of the night, this moment of total transparency was used by God to speak to every person in the house. To think that a young person ...

A NEW Start

Okay! One of the more popular commitment songs of the church is "I Surrender All"....Well today, I guess that I am surrendering. Until now, I have avoided the regular, routine, even the recurring, habit of blogging. However, I will stop dragging my feet and admit this is the "21st century way" of communication (for now)....Guess I will attempt to get on board this train before the NEXT TRAIN comes along. Today is Thursday, January 24, 2008. Unless hindered in a big way, it will be my goal to post a blog on Monday and Thursday of every week. The goal will be to speak about current events, offer words of advice (that should be good), the culture, the church, and the life of a believer. Although it is difficult to believe, this first blog in my new committment is a word of caution for all emailers and bloggers. There is much bad or bogus information on the cyber-superhighway which, I believe, is placed out there to make people look, shall we say, not so smart. A prime ...