
Showing posts from 2006

Problem With Purpose Driven

There are times in my life when I do things simply to be able to respond in the "first person"about a particular item, action, or person. This past week was indeed one of those experiences. Last week was spent in Southern California at Saddleback Church in the "Purpose Driven Church" conference led by Rick Warren. It was about 8 or 9 years ago that I first read the book "Purpose Driven Church (PDC)" and began at that time to personally employ some of those Biblical principles which were discovered in that reading. As an aside, God blessed this effort in a great way. Please understand this, regardless of the PDC critics or what the Rick Warren detractors may say, the PDC model is not about making every church a "mega church", but rather making every church a healthy church. As far as I can determine (both inside and outside of the pages of scripture), any living healthy organism naturally grows. A baby, a beanstalk, a bear, or anything else has...

God's way is always the best

In the past week, at HBC we have literally seen God's hand at work among His people in a mighty and wonderful way. Last Wednesday evening the membership of HBC gathered for the expressed purpose of conducting the "Regular Quarterly Business Meeting." Now Baptist Business Meetings have the reputation of being as much fun as a "root canal" or "pneumonia", however this night would be nothing if not termed "SPECIAL". For you see, this meeting lasted almost 75 minutes as there was much business to conduct. From the outset it was obvious to this pastor that God had ordained this time together to join His people in a common spirit and mind. For on this night we discussed the possibility (and plan) of constructing a new worship center. For to do so, it would cost about $1.5 million. (I know that's more than I have) After looking at the "sketch drawing" by the architect and answering as many questions as was asked, the congregation not o...


Last week was a great week. Bro. Troy, the chairman of deacons, and I spent three days together "on the road". The Alabama State convention planned a "tour" for Pastors and a "lay-leader". The concept was that we would visit 6 "healthy" churches, meet with their local staff, and glean some of the principles which were working in these churches. The " O pportunity T o T ake A L ook" (OTTAL) tour carried us into the southeastern part of our state. We saw church ministries which should not be growing (according to their population and location) but were "reaching people for Christ" almost daily and in contrast we observed ministries which "should be" reaching people in their immediate area and simply were not. This was an eye-opening and very revealing trip. What did Bro. Troy and I have reaffirmed in our hearts? Here it is; For a "congregation" to be a "Church" (a healthy church)-- there must be no...

"If It keeps Gettin' better and better"

Everyone today seems to be searching for one thing, HAPPINESS! First of all, it occurs to me that while we live in this fallen world I don't remember God or God incarnate (Jesus) ever giving the promise of "Happiness". Yet, we still search for it. Problem is, our culture is telling us to look for happiness in all the "wrong places". It's kind of like that old popular country song, "looking for love in all the wrong places, searching for love in too many faces..." (well you get the idea)... Truth be told, we are taught that the "way" or "avenue" to finding this elusive yet desired state of being is found in "self-gratification". If I can just get "enough". Enough money, position, power, prestiege, or the like then I will be happy. Or maybe for some of the young people it's "if I can just get the right girlfriend/boyfriend or mate" then I'll truly be happy. In an oversimplistic thought...

Blessings, joys, and why?

This week has been an outstanding week of joy. Our daughter, Christy, gave birth to a "beautiful" (Okay, she was the MOST BEAUTIFUL) little girl ever. Piper Josephine was born Wednesday, March 1, at 5:41pm. She weighed 9lbs 11 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. Her skin was a gorgeous shade of pink, her hair brown, and she is as healthy as a horse (ah...well...she is very healthy)....At any rate, the entire family is super excited about this precious addition to our family. As I held my first grand-child in my arms, filled with love and wonder at the miracle of birth and the joys which it brings, I wondered; "Is this how the angels in heaven feel at the birth of a new soul into the kingdom?" Luke 15 tells us the "angels rejoice". The same passage seems to imply that God Himself "kills His fatted calf and throws a party". WOW! So I wondered, "if this is the case, why are we not seeing to it that more "spiritual babes" are being born int...


It's a famous saying. One that all of us have heard. Candidly, one that EVERYONE of have not only said, but said in "prayer." Here it is; "Lord, give me patience, and give it to me NOW!" Have you ever considered the "why" of this statement, request, or demand (grin)? It is because we desire something to happen. This "something" is different everytime we make this statement or pray this prayer (come on, you've said this more than once). However, it is worth making note of the fact that whatever it is paints a picture of what is important to you right there, right at that time. Our daughter, Christy, is expecting a baby. As of this writing she is 9+ months pregnant. She is ready to have our little grand-daughter whose name will be "Piper". Christy is ready for this little girl to be born. Christy's brother, Jonathon is ready for Piper to get here. Grandparents (that'd be Deboria and me), are ready for Piper's arrival. ...

What Will the "Lord's Day" Bring??!!

Since coming to Hueytown Baptist Church it seems that each Lord's Day brings an event in worship and Bible Study which is both uplifting and exciting. God has been and continues to be gracious to us everytime we gather. This coming Sunday should prove to be no different. To hear the choir, soloists, and congregation lift God's praise in song brings more than just a little joy. The understanding that "God is good all the time" and "all the time God is good" seems to radiate throughout the house. Every week seems like a "buildup" to a "pentecost" experience. From the most senior (ah, that would be the oldest) to the most junior (well, that would be the opposite), those in attendance seems to desire a fresh encounter with Jehovah God through the presence of His Holy Spirit. There is no better place on earth than to be with God's people, in God's house, sensing God's presence, singing God's praises, reading God's word, and...

You Never Know!!

Imagine my surprise as I passed through the "student area" of HBC's Sunday Morning Bible study when several students said to me, "Bro. Jerry, I read your blog." Now I guess that I knew the "younger generation" will be the one to make full use of technology, but it was a pleasant surprise to know that some of these great students took a moment to read what an "OLD PREACHER" had to write. (Thank you, girls and guys.) Even today, this truth has made me a little more thoughtful about the words which I write. Words have a powerful influence. Whether spoken or written. When you think about it, you never know who reads or hears your words. Additionally, you REALLY don't know if what they "understood you to say" is exactly what you "meant to say". This morning I write about this truth hoping to call us to be careful to say "good", "fun", "caring", and "uplifting" words. Let's d...

Love and Faith

Preparing the message for the HBC evening service, I am studying 1 Thessalonians 3:6ff. The more I study God's word, the more it becomes apparent that God and His word is nothing if it is not consistent. I matters not where you jump in the message will be truthful, built on the same principles, and exude the same message. When Timothy returned to Paul from Thessalonica he brought a report 'about their love and faith'. It was a glowing report about their "memories of the Apostle Paul and His team" and about how strong and firm they were in "faith and love". This scripture causes me to wonder - "what if some one came to investigate me or this congregation? what kind of report would they return with?" Seems to me, this question is one which is the most apropo of all the questions we could ask. Faith is seen in our actions and activities. It is seen in the way we live our lives. It is seen in the things to which we hold fast, the things we b...

A Day - Not My Best

It is always interesting to me that when God grants a tremendous blessing, old Satan sticks his ugly head up in an attempt to distract and downplay the blessings of God. After such a tremendous blessing of God yesterday as we "Celebrated Super Sunday"...It has seemed that everything I have attempted has fallen short today. Today, I spoked to the "Minister's Conference" and somehow never sense God's spirit during the entire message. Trying to study today - I have had one mental distraction after another. However, greater is He who is in me that he who is in the world. I may lose a battle every now and then - but the war is already won. Thank you Jesus, for the victory I find when I kneel at the cross. I remember those words from an old gospel song which I heard sung at a funeral many years ago. They assist me on days like today. Here they are (just the chorus); " I find victory, real victory when I kneel at the cross, Lost in the beauty of its hol...

A "Super Day"

Once again the "Lord's Day" has come and gone. It seems that "each Sunday" is more special than the last. Today was an absolute "Super Sunday". In the Lord's house we shared in Bible Study that was exciting and where classrooms were full. Bro. Rick, the HBC Worship Minister did a "fantabulous" job of leading us to the very "Throne of Grace" in worship. The message for the day entitled "Bragging Rights" (from our 1 Thessalonians study entitled, "The Model Church") spoke directly to our hearts and then to top it off--Welcoming a new couple and a young boy into the fellowship was wonderfully refreshing. When we thought it couldn't get any better, the Mark Trammell trio setup and more of heaven came down. After today, it is obvious what the Psalmist David meant when he wrote these words, " My cup runneth over " or to say it another way, " My cup overflows ". How about a prayer: ...


For the past 24 hours my wife, Deb, and I were on a trip with the College and Career from the church. Talking about being reminded of how "OLD" I've gotten. It was "fun" with these guys and gals just listening to them talk and "hang out". Candidly, there is probably not a better group of young people than these - and we (as least "I") had a great time. There is one overriding truth which I gleaned from this Alabama College/Career Evangelism Conference and that is: This young generation is truly developing a heart for the Lord, a passion for learning how to live out this faith, and a desire to discover HOW TO share it. Today, my prayer is that we, as the generation just ahead of them, can learn some of the truths which these students have embraced. As the conference drew to a close, several hundred of these students made a public committment (in writing) to walk closer with Christ, to be more concerned about their lost friends and family,...

God is Good all the time

This past month has been an incredible month! God has been so good to us as we have opened a new chapter in the lives of the Watts family and Hueytown Baptist Church. Obviously, God has great plans for this people. One of the most encouraging signs which I, as the Senior Pastor, see is the level of Spiritual sensitivity which is evident in the members of HBC. It is consistently heard in the hallways of these buildings that someone is "mentoring" a non-believer. Watching those mentors leads their friends down the road, step by step, to faith in Christ is exciting!! On Wednesday night, to have Bro. Lee Thomas teach us about "prayer" and to see the huge number of people which came to learn (coupled with the fact that many or most had read the book at least once) is also a sign that God is "up to something" in our midst. My prayer today is this; "Lord, help us get "in on" what you're "up to." AMEN. Whisper a prayer for the VBS work...